teraspy Çevrimdışı


TFC Team
26 Kas 2018
hocam teşekkürler ancak düzelmedi. fat32 olarak biçimlendirim tv ye taktım. vestel yazısı geliyor bir cızırtı sesi geliyor çok ince vestel logosuyla logo kayboluyor devamında. alttaki kırmızı ışıkta sönüyor. flash belleği tv den çıkartıp tekrar bilgisayara taktığımda 3 adet txt şeklinde log dosyası oluşmuş. bunları paylaşmamın bana yol göstermenizde faydası olur mu ? yada tahmini olarak sorun nedir ?

EDİT: PM51 e _connected eklediğimde yükledi. 2 adet log dosyası oluşturdu flash bellekte. ancak hala açılırken kısa süreli logo geliyor ve kapanıyor hocam.
Dosyaların fotosunu at bakayım buraya ,nasıl kaydettin usb belleğe ,
R Çevrimdışı


Yeni Üye
18 Nis 2023
Dosyaların fotosunu at bakayım buraya ,nasıl kaydettin usb belleğe ,
Hocam 3 adet bin dosyası 1 adette txt şeklinde pm ile bitenin sonuna _connected ekleyince yazılımı attı ancak tv yeniden başladığında sorun aynı. logo geliyor hafif bi cızırtı sesi 1 sn sürmeden logo gidiyor ve tv kapanıyor. Döngüde değil tekrar tuşa basmadan açılmıyor.
teraspy Çevrimdışı


TFC Team
26 Kas 2018
Hocam 3 adet bin dosyası 1 adette txt şeklinde pm ile bitenin sonuna _connected ekleyince yazılımı attı ancak tv yeniden başladığında sorun aynı. logo geliyor hafif bi cızırtı sesi 1 sn sürmeden logo gidiyor ve tv kapanıyor. Döngüde değil tekrar tuşa basmadan açılmıyor.
Olmaz ,atmaz öyle diyeceğim ama sen "attı" diyorsan doğrudur :) Ben senden 3 dosyanın adını görmek için foto istedim ,sen bana yazı yazdın mübarek :)
Şimdi txt içeriğini buraya yazıp ,3 dosyanın da adının olduğu bir foto istiyorum ,elle yazma,foto ekle :ok
R Çevrimdışı


Yeni Üye
18 Nis 2023
Olmaz ,atmaz öyle diyeceğim ama sen "attı" diyorsan doğrudur :) Ben senden 3 dosyanın adını görmek için foto istedim ,sen bana yazı yazdın mübarek :)
Şimdi txt içeriğini buraya yazıp ,3 dosyanın da adının olduğu bir foto istiyorum ,elle yazma,foto ekle :ok
hocam kusura bakmayın pc başında değildim şu şekilde usb içeriği :


usb_auto_update_G10.txt şu şekilde :

# <- this is for comment / total file size must be less than 4KB
# console ok

#For pure PM.bin upgrade, use below part
fatload usb 0:1 0x24000000 mb130_PM51_connected.bin
spi_wrc 0x24000000 0x00000000 $(filesize)

#For pure RomBoot.bin (include mboot.bin) upgrade, use below part
fatload usb 0:1 0x24000000 mb130_RomBoot.bin;
ncishash 0x24000000 0x24010000 0x24020000 0x24030000 0x3800 0x24033800 0x200000

### check file exist or not
fatpartload usb 0:1 0x21000000 mb130_en.bin 0x0 0x500000

nand erase.chip

#set partition
dynpart edb64M-nand:0xA00000(KL),0x2800000(CONF),0xC700000(UBIA),0xF000000(UBIB),0x900000(tee),-(NA)

ubi part UBIA
ubi create RFS 0x1E00000
ubi create VEN 0x9C00000

### direct write linux kernel image

fatpartload usb 0:1 0x21000000 mb130_en.bin 0x0 0x700000
aesdec 0x21000000 0x700000

nand erase.part KL
nand write.e 0x21000010 KL 0x700000

#setenv bootcmd nand read.e 0x205FFFC0 KL $(filesize)\; bootm 0x205FFFC0

fatpartload usb 0:1 0x21000000 mb130_en.bin 0x700000 0x1E00000
aesdec 0x21000000 0x1E00000
ubi part UBIA
ubi write 0x21000010 RFS 0x1E00000

fatpartload usb 0:1 0x21000000 mb130_en.bin 0x2500000 0x9C00000
aesdec 0x21000000 0x9C00000
ubi write 0x21000010 VEN 0x9C00000

ubi part CONF
ubi create CON 0x1E00000
fatpartload usb 0:1 0x21000000 mb130_en.bin 0xC100000 0x1E00000
aesdec 0x21000000 0x1E00000
ubi write 0x21000010 CON 0x1E00000

ubi part UBIB
ubi create BUF 0xBF00000
ubi create APD 0x1E00000

fatpartload usb 0:1 0x21000000 mb130_en.bin 0xDF00000 0x1100000
aesdec 0x21000000 0x1100000
ubi write 0x21000010 APD 0x1100000

fatpartload usb 0:1 0x21000000 mb130_en.bin 0xF000000 0x502210
aesdec 0x21000000 0x502210

nand erase.part tee
nand write.e 0x21000010 tee 0x500000

store_secure_info kernelSign 0x21501010
store_secure_info teeSign 0x21501230

#setenv LOAD_NUTTX nand read.e 0x50000000 tee 0x600000\;
#setenv BOOT_NUTTX bootNuttx 0x10000000\;

store_nuttx_config NuttxConfig 0x21500010

#Force Mboot to update environment after update
setenv sync_environment 1


% <- this is end of file symbol


şu şekilde :

**************USB TRACE LOGGING START POINT***************

    > app/demoapp: DemoApp::onRemovableDeviceChang(): device_type_usb -> resumeTsFilePlayer()
    > app/demoapp:  - onRemovableDeviceChange: Ignore connection message for drive: 0, device_type: 0, time_diff_in_msec: 6358
********************ICE_EnableRemovableDevice()******************* 1
    > novo_src/wakeupcontroller: WakeUpController::requestExitStandbyForNormalOperation
    > novo_src/wakeupcontroller: WakeUpController::processExitStandbyForNormalOperation

 [33mfixme MDrv_PM_GetWakeupKey: reg_val(0), key(639) [m
[33m ---- MApi_PNL_En(1) : start
[m[33m ---- Panel is already (1) : start
[m[1;32m[MApi_PNL_En, 1583].....ENABLE Backlight.....
[0m---- gSkipVoltageDropDetectCnt=250
[8V4O] MFC9 or MFC11 does not exist
    > novo_src/wakeupcontroller: WakeUpController::requestUpdateServiceListAccordingToStandbySearchResults
    > novo_src/wakeupcontroller: WakeUpController::processWebUpgrade
    > novo_src/wakeupcontroller: WakeUpController::processExitStandbyWithServiceList
    > novo_src/wakeupcontroller: WakeUpController::exitStandbyWithServiceList

 [33mfixme MDrv_PM_GetWakeupKey: reg_val(0), key(639) [m

 [33mfixme MDrv_PM_GetWakeupKey: reg_val(0), key(639) [m

 [33mfixme MDrv_PM_GetWakeupKey: reg_val(0), key(639) [m
    > novo_src/wakeupcontroller: WakeUpController::processSystemInit

 [33mfixme MDrv_PM_GetWakeupKey: reg_val(0), key(639) [m
    > app/demoapp: DemoApp::startDemoVideoDisplayTimerForStoreMode()
src hpd = 53
src hpd = 51
src hpd = 50
src hpd = 52
ICE_WIFI ERR : 769: ice_get_wireless_interface_name() ===========> Prefix : eth, file content : Inter-| sta-|   Quality        |   Discarded packets               | Missed | WE
ICE_WIFI ERR : 799: ice_get_wireless_interface_name() Search of the wireless interface name was failed
[1;33m[ICE_VideoHide, 6443] [FAST_TURN_ON]: skip hide
[0m[1;33m[ICE_VideoSelectSource, 1274][g_bSWDS_SetWinDone] FALSE
[0m[ICE_VideoStart, 4859] handle->device_number(0), video_pid(8192), video_stream_type(2)
Load Color correction
[35m UTOPIA ASSERT: 0, ice_product_mstar_arm/mstar/mapi/pq/drvPQ_Bin.c MDrv_PQBin_GetGRule_TableIndex 2737[35m
GRule: IPIdx out of range =9
[PQBin]:Out Of Range!! PnlIdx=6, IPIdx=65535
[35m UTOPIA ASSERT: 0, ice_product_mstar_arm/mstar/mapi/pq/drvPQ_Bin.c MDrv_PQBin_GetTable 1908[35m
[35m UTOPIA ASSERT: 0, ice_product_mstar_arm/mstar/mapi/pq/drvPQ_Bin.c MDrv_PQBin_GetGRule_TableIndex 2737[35m
GRule: IPIdx out of range =10
[PQBin]:Out Of Range!! PnlIdx=6, IPIdx=65535
[35m UTOPIA ASSERT: 0, ice_product_mstar_arm/mstar/mapi/pq/drvPQ_Bin.c MDrv_PQBin_GetTable 1908[35m
[35m UTOPIA ASSERT: 0, ice_product_mstar_arm/mstar/mapi/pq/drvPQ_Bin.c MDrv_PQBin_GetGRule_TableIndex 2737[35m
GRule: IPIdx out of range =11
[PQBin]:Out Of Range!! PnlIdx=6, IPIdx=65535
[35m UTOPIA ASSERT: 0, ice_product_mstar_arm/mstar/mapi/pq/drvPQ_Bin.c MDrv_PQBin_GetTable 1908[35m
[AUDIO][Utopia]: DecID 2 not connected MApi_AUDIO_GetDecodeSystem() 1591
[0;32m [AUDIO] [_GetFreqIndex] [1454] Can't judge VFreq  [u16InputVFreq = 0] [0m
[35m UTOPIA ASSERT: 0, ice_product_mstar_arm/mstar/mapi/pq/drvPQ_Bin.c MDrv_PQBin_GetGRule_TableIndex 2737[35m
GRule: IPIdx out of range =6
[PQBin]:Out Of Range!! PnlIdx=6, IPIdx=65535
[35m UTOPIA ASSERT: 0, ice_product_mstar_arm/mstar/mapi/pq/drvPQ_Bin.c MDrv_PQBin_GetTable 1908[35m
[1;35m[WiDi][ICE_WiDiInit, 1295] TRACE: [0m
[1;32m[widiLoadLibrary, 331]====== WiDi dongle = 1 ======
[1;32m[widiLoadLibrary, 338]====== =======END====== ======
[0m[1;32m[widiLoadLibrary, 341]WIDI_DLOPEN == 1
[0mcmd : ifconfig wl0.1 down
[1;35m[WiDi][ICE_WiDiGetFriendlyName, 1793] TRACE: [0m
[1;33m[MS_WiDi_Get_Config_Item, 489]pItemStr = friendly_name
[0m[1;33m[MS_WiDi_Get_Config_Item, 520]Result => friendly_name=VESTEL 679B9F
[0m[1;35m[WiDi][MS_WiDi_Get_FriendlyName, 620] TRACE: [0mbuf(0x71b15cd8) = VESTEL 679B9F
[1;35m[WiDi][ICE_WiDiInit, 1409] TRACE: [0m==== WIDI version: WIDI Gen4 External Rlease v2 Library
net.core.rmem_max = 8388608
net.core.rmem_default = 8388608
PoolAlloc(mtype, addr, size, used_size) = (0, 0x91b7bac0,36096,324864 )
PoolAlloc(mtype, addr, size, used_size) = (0, 0x91b72db0,36096,360960 )
PoolAlloc(mtype, addr, size, used_size) = (0, 0x91b6a0a0,36096,397056 )
PoolAlloc(mtype, addr, size, used_size) = (0, 0x91b61390,36096,433152 )
[1;35m[WiDi][ICE_WiDiStart, 1449] TRACE: [0m
cmd : ifconfig wl0.1 up
lo        Link encap:Local Loopback 
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
          RX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:768 (768.0 B)  TX bytes:768 (768.0 B)

net.core.rmem_max = 8388608
[1;33m[ICE_WiDiStart, 1509]Buffer = 0xae8cb000 / 0x00700000
[0m[1;33m[ICE_WiDiStart, 1510]Use WiDi DIRECBUFFER
[0mwidi_setControl 0xb , value = 3
[0;31m[ICE_WiDiStart, 1523]SET WIFI_VENDOR 3
[0mwidi_setControl 0x9 , value = -1366511616
widi_setControl 0xa , value = 7340032
[1;35m[WiDi][MS_WiDi_Main_thread, 674] TRACE: [0mwidi_main Thread START
widi_getControl 0x2 , value = 0
widi_getControl 0x3 , value = 0
Warning! Invalid value (20), main audio delay should be larger than 32 ms.
[1;35m[WiDi][ICE_WiDiStart, 1633] MSG: [0mFinish
widi_getControl 0xb , value = 3
widi_getControl 0xb , value = 3
ThreadCreate: reporter thread is created
init persist sem
init persist sem end

       do_wdal_set_debug_level: done ---ooo!
wfi_init 10 --> Our MAC address  : 48:6d:bb:67:08:e1

--->>> do_wdal_set_debug_level
Entering, setting the device properties: manufacturer:Vestel, model_name_short:Gen4, model_number:, serial_number:MSD6A801
do_wdal_wfd_add_profile,5903, profile pointer:0x67331af8
Add WFD Profile:1e:15:1f:68:c8:74
61 37 66 33 65 31 33 65 38 65 39 39 39 33 62 38 64 62 37 65 31 64 64 65 35 33 37 63 30 30 63 64 38 65 30 33 36 65 37 35 64 64 62 64 34 65 31 38 61 39 62 32 38 64 38 34 61 35 37 63 32 62 66 37 do_wdal_wfd_add_profile,5903, profile pointer:0x67331b6c
Add WFD Profile:7a:62:56:4f:3a:b7
65 34 36 65 65 66 35 38 30 32 65 66 34 38 30 65 32 39 64 38 63 32 39 33 64 31 38 62 37 39 63 34 37 35 63 66 64 30 63 38 64 31 38 62 36 32 33 64 37 63 33 34 63 62 31 62 31 35 30 33 39 37 36 34 do_wdal_wfd_add_profile,5903, profile pointer:0x67331be0
Add WFD Profile:8e:25:05:a7:12:da
63 63 30 39 30 63 63 61 34 39 36 63 35 66 37 39 64 39 39 37 66 37 63 61 31 66 34 61 62 61 61 33 34 39 31 31 35 34 37 31 38 37 64 34 32 33 32 32 33 30 64 39 30 66 36 37 65 37 61 37 37 34 61 61 do_wdal_wfd_add_profile,5903, profile pointer:0x67331c54
Add WFD Profile:1e:15:1f:68:c8:74
36 61 39 63 30 38 61 66 31 37 35 35 64 31 37 36 66 34 38 36 66 33 33 30 31 35 34 62 35 63 63 62 34 61 36 61 66 32 35 64 30 32 61 62 32 61 36 63 36 38 63 64 63 36 32 38 66 64 31 65 61 34 35 66 do_wdal_wfd_add_profile,5903, profile pointer:0x67331cc8
Add WFD Profile:e2:d4:2f:05:f0:28
34 37 65 65 63 37 33 37 30 34 35 66 62 34 39 66 34 31 38 65 61 61 61 66 66 63 37 31 61 66 39 65 63 38 37 63 32 34 35 66 30 61 31 36 35 39 38 36 37 38 38 65 61 39 62 36 66 31 61 34 33 30 36 36 [1;35m[WiDi][widiEventNotify, 816] MSG: [0m[1;35m WIDI_EVENT_STATE:(0)-> (1)[0m
[0m[HDCP2X] Enter HDCP2_StopMiracast() function ((HDCP2_StopMiracast:388))[0m
[0m[HDCP2X] Leave HDCP2_StopMiracast() function ((HDCP2_StopMiracast:476))[0m
[1;35m[WiDi][widiEventNotify, 824] MSG: [0m[1;35m doStopWidi = 0[0m
[0m[HDCP2X] Enter HDCP2_StartMiracast() function ((HDCP2_StartMiracast:299))[0m
[0m[HDCP2X] Leave HDCP2_StartMiracast() function ((HDCP2_StartMiracast:381))[0m
Entering, setting the device properties: manufacturer:Vestel, model_name_short:Gen4, model_number:, serial_number:MSD6A801
[1;33m[HDCP2X] hdcp2_rx_main ((hdcp2_rx_main:2900))[0m
Broadcom Wi-Fi Direct Host Support Library Test App
Version: R21-0
WFD cmd parameters. dev_type 1, port 0 hdcp 1
p2papp_get_wlan_ifname: wl ifname=eth1
--> Wireless interface: 'eth1'
--> Friendly name     : 'VESTEL 679B9F-Gen4'
--> Discovery timeout : 3600 seconds
--> Listen channel    : 1
--> Operating channel : 1
[1;33m[HDCP2X] Key format(ProtocolDescriptor): 2.2 ((HDCPInit:346))[0m
[0m[HDCP2X] waiting for HDCP transmitter to connect, Port Idx: 10100 ((ThreadProc:1233))[0m
[1;35m[WiDi][ICE_WiDiGetFriendlyName, 1793] TRACE: [0m
[1;33m[MS_WiDi_Get_Config_Item, 489]pItemStr = friendly_name
[0m[1;33m[MS_WiDi_Get_Config_Item, 520]Result => friendly_name=VESTEL 679B9F
[0m[1;35m[WiDi][MS_WiDi_Get_FriendlyName, 620] TRACE: [0mbuf(0x71a32810) = VESTEL 679B9F
ThreadCreate: p2posl_start_raw_rx_mgr,608, calling p2posl_create_thread for p2papi_linux_rx_thread thread
--> Our MAC address  : 48:6d:bb:67:08:e1
ThreadCreate: p2papi_osl_BCMP2PDiscover,266, calling p2posl_create_thread for p2papi_discovery_thread thread
p2papi_discovery_thread: enter
Cannot open the file.
Cannot open the file.
Set mac: ifconfig eth0 hw ether 48:6D:BB:67:9B:9F

---------------- onInternetStatusMessage ----------------

p2papi_discovery_thread,219, p2papp_discovery_thread exit
ThreadCreate: p2papi_osl_BCMP2PDiscover,266, calling p2posl_create_thread for p2papi_discovery_thread thread
p2papi_discovery_thread: enter
[1;31m[ICE_APMGetStatus, 1311]ICE_APMGetStatus - Netflix is not alive
[0m    > app/demoapp: DemoApp::onNetflixLowResourceRecoveryTimer(): backgroundApm()
[1;31m[ICE_APMGetStatus, 1311]ICE_APMGetStatus - Netflix is not alive
[0m     MMPlayerService V :MMPlayerService created

[1;33m[ICE_APMBackground, 1268]ICE_APMBackground - APM_RequestToRunSilent() ...
[0m[APMLIB]:  [0;33;41m[callback onLoseFocus|line 235] is Entering.[0m

 [33mfixme MDrv_PM_GetWakeupKey: reg_val(0), key(639) [m
ICE_APMLoseFocus(): ...
[APMLIB]:  [0;33;41m[callback onLoseFocus|line 239] is Leaving.[0m
[APMLIB]:  [0;33;41m[callback onGetFocus|line 223] is Entering.[0m
ICE_APMGetFocus(): ...
[APMLIB]:  [0;33;41m[callback onGetFocus|line 227] is Leaving.[0m
[30;47mBSA_trace 1@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:086ms: BSA_MgtOpenInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 2@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:087ms: BSA_MgtOpen (/conf/)
[30;47mBSA_trace 3@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:087ms: bsa_cl_mgt_init
Debug  bsa task wait GKI
[30;47mBSA_trace 4@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:089ms: UIPC_Init
[30;47mBSA_trace 5@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:090ms: UIPC_Open ChId:3
[30;47mBSA_trace 6@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:092ms: BSA_OpsEnableInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 7@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:092ms: BSA_OpsEnable
[30;47mBSA_trace 8@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:106ms: BSA_AvkEnableInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 9@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:106ms: BSA_AvkEnable
[30;47mBSA_trace 10@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:109ms: BSA_DmSetConfigInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 11@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:109ms: BSA_DmSetConfig
[30;47mBSA_trace 12@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:120ms: BSA_DmSetConfigInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 13@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:120ms: BSA_DmSetConfig
[30;47mBSA_trace 14@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:121ms: BSA_TmVseRegisterInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 15@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:126ms: BSA_TmVseRegister
[30;47mBSA_trace 16@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:126ms: BSA_TmVseRegisterInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 17@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:126ms: BSA_TmVseRegister
[30;47mBSA_trace 18@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:126ms: BSA_TmVseRegisterInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 19@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:126ms: BSA_TmVseRegister
[30;47mBSA_trace 20@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:126ms: BSA_TmVseRegisterInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 21@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:126ms: BSA_TmVseRegister
[30;47mBSA_trace 22@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:126ms: BSA_TmVseRegisterInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 23@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:126ms: BSA_TmVseRegister
[30;47mBSA_trace 24@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:127ms: BSA_TmVseRegisterInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 25@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:127ms: BSA_TmVseRegister
[30;47mBSA_trace 26@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:127ms: BSA_TmVseRegisterInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 27@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:127ms: BSA_TmVseRegister
[30;47mBSA_trace 28@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:127ms: BSA_DmSetConfigInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 29@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:127ms: BSA_DmSetConfig
ICE_BLUETOOTH ERR : 6197: ice_bluetooth_uipc_tx_thread()ret=-15
[30;47mBSA_trace 30@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:142ms: BSA_AvEnableInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 31@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:142ms: BSA_AvEnable
[30;47mBSA_trace 32@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:144ms: BSA_AvRegisterInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 33@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:144ms: BSA_AvRegister
[30;47mBSA_trace 34@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:149ms: UIPC_Open ChId:5
[30;47mBSA_trace 35@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:149ms: uipc_rb_open name:rb_av id:5 size:20001 flags:x2
[30;47mBSA_trace 36@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:150ms: uipc_rb_open: Size = 20001
[30;47mBSA_trace 37@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:150ms: uipc_rb_open: Buffer = 0x64951010
[30;47mBSA_trace 38@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:150ms: uipc_rb_open: semid = 1572912
[30;47mBSA_trace 39@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:150ms: uipc_rb_open: wr_lockid = 1605681
[30;47mBSA_trace 40@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:150ms: uipc_rb_open: wr_lockid.val = 20000
[30;47mBSA_trace 41@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:150ms: uipc_cl_av_open AV channel opened
[30;47mBSA_trace 42@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:150ms: UIPC_Ioctl ChId:5 Request:UIPC_WRITE_BLOCK (3)
[30;47mBSA_trace 43@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:150ms: BSA_SecSetSecurityInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 44@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:150ms: BSA_SecSetSecurity
[30;47mBSA_trace 45@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:150ms: BSA_SecSetSecurityInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 46@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:150ms: BSA_SecSetSecurity
[30;47mBSA_trace 47@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:151ms: BSA_HhEnableInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 48@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:151ms: BSA_HhEnable
[30;47mBSA_trace 49@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:157ms: UIPC_Open ChId:4
[30;47mBSA_trace 50@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:157ms: uipc_fifo_open enter FIFO:./bt-hh-fifo
[30;47mBSA_trace 51@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:158ms: uipc_cl_hh_open hh channel opened
[30;47mBSA_trace 52@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:158ms: uipc_fifo_task thread started
[30;47mBSA_trace 53@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:158ms: uipc_fifo_task fifo opened
[30;47mBSA_trace 54@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:158ms: uipc_fifo_task read thread will now read fifo
----> HW u8Key=0xc u8System=0x1
[BrowsetoWatch enter]ZAPPING TIME REMOTE_KEY: 27620 with key 543
[BrowsetoWatch exit]ZAPPING TIME REMOTE_KEY: 27620 with key 543
[IR FIQ Monitor] HAL_SYS_Read2Byte(HST1_FIQ_IR_MASK):0xffbb
    > app/demoapp: ============================> DemoApp::onStandbyKey!!!
    > app/demoapp: onStandbyKey()!!!!!!!!!! POWER KEY HANDLED !!!!!!!!isInStandby 0 getModuleState 25 isRecordingInStandby 0
    > novo_src/novostandbycontrolinterface: NovoStandbyControlInterface::requestResumeStandby() exit type = 0
    > novo_src/novostandbycontrolinterface: RESUME for NORMAL
    > novo_src/novostandbycontrolinterface: NovoStandbyControlInterface::requestQuitActiveStandby
    > app/demoapp: ====================>DemoApp::activeStandbyQuitted- m_active_standby_quit_key = 4, success: 0
    > novo_src/novostandbycontrolinterface: NovoStandbyControlInterface::requestEnterActiveStandby
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: StandbyController::isReadyToStandby()
[0;31m[_ICE_TuneWriteLastTune, 550]ice_last_sw_params.init_params.tuner_id.device_number = 0
[0m[0;31m[_ICE_TuneWriteLastTune, 551]ice_last_sw_params.open_params.tuner_id.device_number = 0
[0m    > novo_src/standbycontroller: StandbyController::requestIsAnyDvrProcessQuitStandby()
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: StandbyController::checkActiveVcrTimer()
[1;33m[ICE_VideoHide, 6443] [FAST_TURN_ON]: skip hide
[0m[1;33m[ICE_VideoSelectSource, 1274][g_bSWDS_SetWinDone] FALSE
[0mThis is non-mirror setting
[ICE_VideoSelectSource   1434] Source change flag raised, g_show_forceWait: 1
[0;31m[ICE_VideoSelectSource, 1604]REFINE THIS LINE!
[0mpstDvbt2Drv is NULL
TPS65233 set LNB power: OFF
TPS65233 read OK, LNB_Status=0x0
MSD_DTV_DVB_S_Set22KOnOff: 0
[1;35m[WiDi][ICE_WiDiStop, 1644] TRACE: [0mICE_WiDiStop
[0m[HDCP2X] Enter HDCP2_StopMiracast() function ((HDCP2_StopMiracast:388))[0m
[1;33m[HDCP2X] Wait for thread join (Rx) ((HDCP2_StopMiracast:439))[0m
[1;33m[HDCP2X] Thread join complete (Rx) ((HDCP2_StopMiracast:442))[0m
[0m[HDCP2X] Leave HDCP2_StopMiracast() function ((HDCP2_StopMiracast:476))[0m
[DMX][Utopia]: [_MApi_DMX_Close][4293] Filte 0 is already freed
[DMX][Utopia]: [_MApi_DMX_Close][4293] Filte 0 is already freed
[IR FIQ Monitor] HAL_SYS_Read2Byte(HST1_FIQ_IR_MASK):0xffbb
[1;31m[MApi_VDEC_EX_Exit_Wrap, 273]gStreamID[0] u32Id / u32Version = 16448 / 0
[0m0xf means VPU is not stalled


widi_getControl 0x1 , value = 0
[IR FIQ Monitor] HAL_SYS_Read2Byte(HST1_FIQ_IR_MASK):0xffbb
----> HW u8Key=0xc u8System=0x1
[IR FIQ Monitor] HAL_SYS_Read2Byte(HST1_FIQ_IR_MASK):0xffbb
----> HW u8Key=0xc u8System=0x1
[IR FIQ Monitor] HAL_SYS_Read2Byte(HST1_FIQ_IR_MASK):0xffbb
p2papi_discovery_thread,219, p2papp_discovery_thread exit
p2papi_linux_rx_thread: exit
[ThreadStatus] p2posl_close,701, thread status: discovery:0, connect:0, incoming:0, group:0, dhcpd:0, rx_thread:0
delete persist sem
delete persist sem end
[1;35m[WiDi][MS_WiDi_Main_thread, 679] TRACE: [0mwidi_main Thread END

 Clear Plane Will be Called

 Clear Plane was Called
PoolFree(mtype, addr, size, used_size) = (0, 0x91b7bac0, 36096, 397056)
PoolFree(mtype, addr, size, used_size) = (0, 0x91b72db0, 36096, 360960)
PoolFree(mtype, addr, size, used_size) = (0, 0x91b6a0a0, 36096, 324864)
PoolFree(mtype, addr, size, used_size) = (0, 0x91b61390, 36096, 288768)
pstDvbt2Drv is NULL
[1;32m[widiUnLoadLibrary, 378]widiUnLoadLibrary
[0m[1;35m[WiDi][ICE_WiDiStop, 1747] MSG: [0mFinish
    > novo_src/novostandbycontrolinterface: isReadyToStandby = 0
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: StandbyController::startActiveStandby()
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: setDeviceStandbyStatus- in_active_standby =1
ICE_WIFI ERR : 1408: ICE_WiFi_BRCM_SetMimoBwCap() Can not set status of mimo bw cap
wifi_task  waited: 2 times
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] start [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] end [0m
---------------- onInternetStatusMessage ----------------

[ICE_TunerOpen, 432] params->tuner_id.device_number(0)
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] start [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] end [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] start [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] end [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] start [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] end [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] start [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] end [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] start [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] end [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] start [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] end [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] start [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] end [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] start [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] end [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] start [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] end [0m
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: setRecordingInStandby- is_recording =0
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: StandbyController::startActiveStandby exit type = 0
[33m ---- MApi_PNL_En(0) : start
[m---- gSkipVoltageDropDetectCnt=250
 not trick mode, turn off pll
[33m ---- MApi_PNL_En(0) : end
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: Standby State - INIT
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: Standby State - STANDBY
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: standby : e_entry
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: _______________calculateWakeupTime____________
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: Query for broadcasted time
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: Checking time
udhcpc (v1.18.4) started
Sending discover...
Sending select for
Lease of obtained, lease time 86400
deleting routers
adding dns
    > app/broadcasttimechecker: NO SIGNAL....No need to check time any more
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: Broadcast time can not be handled
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: broadcast_time_check_status 0
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: now_time(0:0)
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: search_time (0:0)
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: dt_now_utc(0)
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: wakeup_min(-120)
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: wakeup_max(240)
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: secs_after_todays_search: 0
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: secs_to_tomorrows_search : 86400
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: getTimeToSwUpdateSearch() 86400
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: Periodic check is the next thing to wake up for-2
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: _________ Status is [1] ________
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: standby_operation_status = 1
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: doActiveStandbyOperations(0)
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: Entering standby for 86400 seconds
[1;33m[ICE_APMGetStatus, 1332]ICE_APMGetStatus - Netflix is suspended
[0m    > novo_src/standbycontroller: StandbyController::enterStandbyMode - Stop suspended apm
[1;33m[ICE_APMGetStatus, 1332]ICE_APMGetStatus - Netflix is suspended
[0m    > novo/apmcontroller: NovoAPMController::stopApm - STR running apm: apm_name: 5, exit_type: 1
[1;33m[ICE_APMGetStatus, 1332]ICE_APMGetStatus - Netflix is suspended
[0m[0;31m[ICE_APMStop, 954]ICE_APMStop - Request to stop running apm: 5, exit_type:512
[0m# STR # Netflix sleep
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] start [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] end [0m
    > ecl/remote_control:  - disableRemoteKeypressHandling: Disabled by client 1
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: In enterStandbyMode Entering 1th SUSPEND mode, m_secs_in_standby = 86400 !
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: enterStandbyMode - Deactivate reminder manager ...
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: getLastValidTunerIdForPrimaryVideo  0 !
    > ecl/easicontroltask:  - caEnterStandbyRequest
[1;33m[ICE_HardwareSuspendToRam, 5109]<Mstar STR>[ICE_HardwareSuspendToRam] START!
[0m[AUDIO][Utopia]: [1;33m [AUDIO] [MApi_AUDIO_SetCommand] [1983] [reset dsp 2 code type] [0m
[0m[HDCP2X] Enter HDCP2_SuspendHDMI() function ((HDCP2_SuspendHDMI:1176))[0m
[0m[HDCP2X] Leave HDCP2_SuspendHDMI() function ((HDCP2_SuspendHDMI:1193))[0m


the required length is 33181696 ,the avail is 1662976


the required length is 33181696 ,the avail is 1662976


the required length is 33181696 ,the avail is 1662976
MailBox: MDrv_PM_STR_SetDbgLevel...!
STR first sleep wait PM
STR second sleep wait PM
enable RTC0 wakeup sleeptime:86400
MAC addr = 48:6D:BB:67:9B:9F
power down mac = 48:6d:bb:67:9b:9f,src hpd = 50
src hpd = 51
src hpd = 52
src hpd = 53
STR power down
[30;47mBSA_trace 55@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:311ms: uipc_cl_socket_handle_read: Socket disconnected from Server
[30;47mBSA_trace 56@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:311ms: bsa_mgt_cback disconnected from server
[30;47mBSA_trace 57@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:311ms: uipc_cl_socket_read_task: exit
[30;47mBSA_trace 58@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:311ms: uipc_thread_stop
[30;47mBSA_trace 60@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: uipc_thread_stop: Free TM ./bt-daemon-socket index:0
[30;47mBSA_trace 61@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: INFO: uipc_thread_stop: this function does NOT really stop a thread
[30;47mBSA_trace 62@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: INFO: The thread ITSELF must explicitly end itself by returning calling from thread entry point
[30;47mBSA_trace 59@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: uipc_fifo_task FIFO read return:0
[30;47mBSA_trace 63@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: uipc_fifo_task closing FIFO
[30;47mBSA_trace 64@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: uipc_cl_hh_cback fifo closed event
[30;47mBSA_trace 65@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: uipc_fifo_task read exit
[30;47mBSA_trace 66@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: uipc_thread_stop
[30;47mBSA_trace 67@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: uipc_thread_stop: Free TM /conf/./bt-hh-fifo index:1
[30;47mBSA_trace 68@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: INFO: uipc_thread_stop: this function does NOT really stop a thread
[30;47mBSA_trace 69@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: INFO: The thread ITSELF must explicitly end itself by returning calling from thread entry point
Debug bsa_callback_task Event 0x2
Debug mail box receive
[30;47mBSA_trace 70@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: bsa_mgt_disc_hdlr
[30;47mBSA_trace 71@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: Task_id:0 is not waiting for msg
[30;47mBSA_trace 72@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: Task_id:1 is not waiting for msg
[30;47mBSA_trace 73@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: Task_id:2 is not waiting for msg
[30;47mBSA_trace 74@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: Task_id:3 is not waiting for msg
[30;47mBSA_trace 75@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: Task_id:4 is not waiting for msg
[30;47mBSA_trace 76@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: UIPC_3: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 77@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: UIPC_Close ChId:3
[31;47mBSA_trace 78@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: uipc_cl_socket_disconnect: write socketpair failed(Bad file descriptor)[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 79@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: UIPC_4: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 80@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: UIPC_Close ChId:4
[30;47mBSA_trace 81@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: uipc_fifo_close
[30;47mBSA_trace 82@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: uipc_fifo_close read thread already dead.
[30;47mBSA_trace 83@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: UIPC_5: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 84@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: UIPC_Close ChId:5
[30;47mBSA_trace 85@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: uipc_rb_close desc:0
[31;47mBSA_trace 86@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_sema_lock: semop fail:-1[30;47m
[31;47mBSA_trace 87@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_rb_close uipc_sema_lock failed[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 88@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_shm_detach delete Shared Memory
[31;47mBSA_trace 89@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_sema_unlock: semop fail:-1[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 90@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_rb_close rb:rb_av closed
[30;47mBSA_trace 91@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_6: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 92@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:6
[30;47mBSA_trace 93@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_rb_close desc:-1
[31;47mBSA_trace 94@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_rb_close bad RB desc:-1[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 95@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_7: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 96@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:7
[30;47mBSA_trace 97@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_avk_close
[30;47mBSA_trace 98@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_8: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 99@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:8
[30;47mBSA_trace 100@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_avk_close
[30;47mBSA_trace 101@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_9: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 102@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:9
[30;47mBSA_trace 103@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_10: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 104@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:10
[30;47mBSA_trace 105@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_11: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 106@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:11
[31;47mBSA_trace 107@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_cl_dg_close channelId:11 was not open[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 108@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_12: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 109@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:12
[31;47mBSA_trace 110@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_cl_dg_close channelId:12 was not open[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 111@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_13: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 112@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:13
[31;47mBSA_trace 113@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_cl_dg_close channelId:13 was not open[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 114@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_14: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 115@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:14
[31;47mBSA_trace 116@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_cl_dg_close channelId:14 was not open[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 117@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_15: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 118@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:15
[30;47mBSA_trace 119@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_16: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 120@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:16
[30;47mBSA_trace 121@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_17: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 122@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:17
[30;47mBSA_trace 123@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_18: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 124@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:18
[31;47mBSA_trace 125@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_cl_hl_close channelId:18 was not open[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 126@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_19: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 127@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:19
[31;47mBSA_trace 128@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_cl_hl_close channelId:19 was not open[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 129@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_20: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 130@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:20
[31;47mBSA_trace 131@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_cl_hl_close channelId:20 was not open[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 132@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_21: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 133@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:21
[31;47mBSA_trace 134@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_cl_hl_close channelId:21 was not open[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 135@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_22: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 136@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:22
[30;47mBSA_trace 137@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_23: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 138@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:23
[30;47mBSA_trace 139@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: uipc_cl_av_bav_close AV Bcst channel is already closed. Do nothing.
[30;47mBSA_trace 140@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_24: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 141@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_Close ChId:24
[30;47mBSA_trace 142@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: uipc_cl_av_bav_close AV Bcst channel is already closed. Do nothing.
[30;47mBSA_trace 143@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_25: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 144@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_Close ChId:25
[31;47mBSA_trace 145@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: uipc_cl_socket_disconnect: bad socket 10[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 146@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_26: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 147@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_Close ChId:26
[30;47mBSA_trace 148@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: uipc_pbc_close
[30;47mBSA_trace 149@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_27: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 150@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_Close ChId:27
[30;47mBSA_trace 151@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: uipc_mce_rx_close
[30;47mBSA_trace 152@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_28: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 153@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_Close ChId:28
[30;47mBSA_trace 154@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: uipc_mce_tx_close
[30;47mBSA_trace 155@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_29: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 156@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_Close ChId:29
[31;47mBSA_trace 157@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: uipc_cl_pan_close channelId:29 was not open[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 158@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_30: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 159@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_Close ChId:30
[31;47mBSA_trace 160@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: uipc_cl_pan_close channelId:30 was not open[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 161@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_31: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 162@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_Close ChId:31
[31;47mBSA_trace 163@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: uipc_cl_pan_close channelId:31 was not open[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 164@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_32: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 165@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_Close ChId:32
[31;47mBSA_trace 166@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: uipc_cl_pan_close channelId:32 was not open[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 167@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_33: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 168@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_Close ChId:33
[31;47mBSA_trace 169@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: uipc_cl_pan_close channelId:33 was not open[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 170@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_34: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 171@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_Close ChId:34
[31;47mBSA_trace 172@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: uipc_cl_pan_close channelId:34 was not open[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 173@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_35: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 174@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_Close ChId:35
[31;47mBSA_trace 175@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: uipc_cl_pan_close channelId:35 was not open[30;47m
Debug  bsa task wait GKI
----> HW u8Key=0xc u8System=0x1
[IR FIQ Monitor] HAL_SYS_Read2Byte(HST1_FIQ_IR_MASK):0xffbb
avoid eject before driver finishes its job 1
[30;47mBSA_trace 176@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:380ms: BSA_OpsDisableInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 177@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:380ms: BSA_OpsDisable
[31;47mBSA_trace 178@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:380ms: ERROR Not connected to server[30;47m
ICE_BLUETOOTH ERR : 651: ice_bluetooth_stop_ops()Error:105
[30;47mBSA_trace 179@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:381ms: BSA_AvkDeregisterInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 180@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:381ms: BSA_AvkDeregister
[31;47mBSA_trace 181@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:381ms: ERROR Not connected to server[30;47m
[31;47mBSA_trace 182@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:381ms: ERROR BSA_AvkRegister fails status:105[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 183@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:381ms: BSA_AvkDisableInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 184@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:381ms: BSA_AvkDisable
[31;47mBSA_trace 185@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:381ms: ERROR Not connected to server[30;47m
ICE_BLUETOOTH ERR : 6430: ICE_BluetoothAVCloseByStatus()no device
[0;32m [AUDIO] [ICE_StopAudioPCMCapture] [170] [PCM capture is already stopped] [0m
[30;47mBSA_trace 186@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:381ms: UIPC_Close ChId:4
[30;47mBSA_trace 187@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:381ms: BSA_HhDisableInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 188@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:381ms: BSA_HhDisable
[31;47mBSA_trace 189@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:381ms: ERROR Not connected to server[30;47m
[IR FIQ Monitor] HAL_SYS_Read2Byte(HST1_FIQ_IR_MASK):0xffbb
    > ecl/remote_control:  - handleKeypress: Disabled by clients, discard key 1543
[30;47mBSA_trace 190@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:594ms: BSA_MgtKillServerInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 191@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:594ms: BSA_MgtKillServer
[31;47mBSA_trace 192@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:594ms: BSA_MgtKillServer not connected to server[30;47m
ICE_BLUETOOTH ERR : 3674: ice_BluetoothStopBSAServer()Unable to stop BSA server
[IR FIQ Monitor] HAL_SYS_Read2Byte(HST1_FIQ_IR_MASK):0xffbb
----> HW u8Key=0xc u8System=0x1
[IR FIQ Monitor] HAL_SYS_Read2Byte(HST1_FIQ_IR_MASK):0xffbb
----> HW u8Key=0xc u8System=0x1
[IR FIQ Monitor] HAL_SYS_Read2Byte(HST1_FIQ_IR_MASK):0xffbb
----> HW u8Key=0xc u8System=0x1
[IR FIQ Monitor] HAL_SYS_Read2Byte(HST1_FIQ_IR_MASK):0xffbb
diff_time 48012 bcm_dongle_last_connected_time 0
    > ecl/remote_control:  - handleKeypress: Disabled by clients, discard key 1543

usb_trace_log35.log şu şekilde:

**************USB TRACE LOGGING START POINT***************

    > app/demoapp: DemoApp::onRemovableDeviceChang(): device_type_usb -> resumeTsFilePlayer()
    > app/demoapp:  - onRemovableDeviceChange: Ignore connection message for drive: 0, device_type: 0, time_diff_in_msec: 3990
---------------- onInternetStatusMessage ----------------

[mapi_showSTRlogo_timeout]timeout:2000 MsOS_GetSystemTime:54902 - panelOnStartTime:52840 = 2062 MsOS_GetSystemTime:54902 - strResume_logoStartTime:50436   = 4466
show bootlogo timeout!
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] start [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] end [0m
[1;35m[WiDi][ICE_WiDiInit, 1295] TRACE: [0m
[1;32m[widiLoadLibrary, 331]====== WiDi dongle = 1 ======
[1;32m[widiLoadLibrary, 338]====== =======END====== ======
[0m[1;32m[widiLoadLibrary, 341]WIDI_DLOPEN == 1
[0mcmd : ifconfig wl0.1 down
[1;35m[WiDi][ICE_WiDiGetFriendlyName, 1793] TRACE: [0m
[1;33m[MS_WiDi_Get_Config_Item, 489]pItemStr = friendly_name
[0m[1;33m[MS_WiDi_Get_Config_Item, 520]Result => friendly_name=VESTEL 679B9F
[0m[1;35m[WiDi][MS_WiDi_Get_FriendlyName, 620] TRACE: [0mbuf(0x71ad5b18) = VESTEL 679B9F
[1;35m[WiDi][ICE_WiDiInit, 1409] TRACE: [0m==== WIDI version: WIDI Gen4 External Rlease v2 Library
net.core.rmem_max = 8388608
net.core.rmem_default = 8388608
PoolAlloc(mtype, addr, size, used_size) = (0, 0x91b7bac0,36096,324864 )
PoolAlloc(mtype, addr, size, used_size) = (0, 0x91b72db0,36096,360960 )
PoolAlloc(mtype, addr, size, used_size) = (0, 0x91b6a0a0,36096,397056 )
PoolAlloc(mtype, addr, size, used_size) = (0, 0x91b61390,36096,433152 )
[1;35m[WiDi][ICE_WiDiStart, 1449] TRACE: [0m
cmd : ifconfig wl0.1 up
eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 48:6D:BB:67:08:E1 
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback 
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
          RX packets:112 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:112 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:9040 (8.8 KiB)  TX bytes:9040 (8.8 KiB)

net.core.rmem_max = 8388608
[1;33m[ICE_WiDiStart, 1509]Buffer = 0xae8cb000 / 0x00700000
[0m[1;33m[ICE_WiDiStart, 1510]Use WiDi DIRECBUFFER
[0mwidi_setControl 0xb , value = 3
[0;31m[ICE_WiDiStart, 1523]SET WIFI_VENDOR 3
[0mwidi_setControl 0x9 , value = -1366511616
widi_setControl 0xa , value = 7340032
[1;35m[WiDi][MS_WiDi_Main_thread, 674] TRACE: [0mwidi_main Thread START
widi_getControl 0x2 , value = 0
widi_getControl 0x3 , value = 0
Warning! Invalid value (20), main audio delay should be larger than 32 ms.
[1;35m[WiDi][ICE_WiDiStart, 1633] MSG: [0mFinish

 [33mfixme MDrv_PM_GetWakeupKey: reg_val(12), key(543) [m

 [33mfixme MDrv_PM_GetWakeupKey: reg_val(12), key(543) [m

 [33mfixme MDrv_PM_GetWakeupKey: reg_val(12), key(543) [m
    > novo_src/wakeupcontroller: WakeUpController::processSystemInit
    > novo_src/wakeupcontroller: WakeUpController::processExitFromActiveStandby
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: StandbyController::processTerminate
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: setDeviceStandbyStatus- in_active_standby =0

 [33mfixme MDrv_PM_GetWakeupKey: reg_val(12), key(543) [m
    > ecl/remote_control:  - enableRemoteKeypressHandling: Enabled by client 1
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: requestTerminate - activate reminder manager ...
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: StandbyController::requestTerminate END
widi_getControl 0xb , value = 3
widi_getControl 0xb , value = 3
ThreadCreate: reporter thread is created
init persist sem
init persist sem end

       do_wdal_set_debug_level: done ---ooo!
wfi_init 10 --> Our MAC address  : 48:6d:bb:67:08:e1

--->>> do_wdal_set_debug_level
Entering, setting the device properties: manufacturer:Vestel, model_name_short:Gen4, model_number:, serial_number:MSD6A801
do_wdal_wfd_add_profile,5903, profile pointer:0x60403af8
Add WFD Profile:1e:15:1f:68:c8:74
61 37 66 33 65 31 33 65 38 65 39 39 39 33 62 38 64 62 37 65 31 64 64 65 35 33 37 63 30 30 63 64 38 65 30 33 36 65 37 35 64 64 62 64 34 65 31 38 61 39 62 32 38 64 38 34 61 35 37 63 32 62 66 37 do_wdal_wfd_add_profile,5903, profile pointer:0x60403b6c
Add WFD Profile:7a:62:56:4f:3a:b7
65 34 36 65 65 66 35 38 30 32 65 66 34 38 30 65 32 39 64 38 63 32 39 33 64 31 38 62 37 39 63 34 37 35 63 66 64 30 63 38 64 31 38 62 36 32 33 64 37 63 33 34 63 62 31 62 31 35 30 33 39 37 36 34 do_wdal_wfd_add_profile,5903, profile pointer:0x60403be0
Add WFD Profile:8e:25:05:a7:12:da
63 63 30 39 30 63 63 61 34 39 36 63 35 66 37 39 64 39 39 37 66 37 63 61 31 66 34 61 62 61 61 33 34 39 31 31 35 34 37 31 38 37 64 34 32 33 32 32 33 30 64 39 30 66 36 37 65 37 61 37 37 34 61 61 do_wdal_wfd_add_profile,5903, profile pointer:0x60403c54
Add WFD Profile:1e:15:1f:68:c8:74
36 61 39 63 30 38 61 66 31 37 35 35 64 31 37 36 66 34 38 36 66 33 33 30 31 35 34 62 35 63 63 62 34 61 36 61 66 32 35 64 30 32 61 62 32 61 36 63 36 38 63 64 63 36 32 38 66 64 31 65 61 34 35 66 do_wdal_wfd_add_profile,5903, profile pointer:0x60403cc8
Add WFD Profile:e2:d4:2f:05:f0:28
34 37 65 65 63 37 33 37 30 34 35 66 62 34 39 66 34 31 38 65 61 61 61 66 66 63 37 31 61 66 39 65 63 38 37 63 32 34 35 66 30 61 31 36 35 39 38 36 37 38 38 65 61 39 62 36 66 31 61 34 33 30 36 36 [1;35m[WiDi][widiEventNotify, 816] MSG: [0m[1;35m WIDI_EVENT_STATE:(1)-> (1)[0m
[0m[HDCP2X] Enter HDCP2_StopMiracast() function ((HDCP2_StopMiracast:388))[0m
[0m[HDCP2X] Leave HDCP2_StopMiracast() function ((HDCP2_StopMiracast:476))[0m
[1;35m[WiDi][widiEventNotify, 824] MSG: [0m[1;35m doStopWidi = 0[0m
[0m[HDCP2X] Enter HDCP2_StartMiracast() function ((HDCP2_StartMiracast:299))[0m
[0m[HDCP2X] Leave HDCP2_StartMiracast() function ((HDCP2_StartMiracast:381))[0m
Entering, setting the device properties: manufacturer:Vestel, model_name_short:Gen4, model_number:, serial_number:MSD6A801
Broadcom Wi-Fi Direct Host Support Library Test App
Version: R21-0
WFD cmd parameters. dev_type 1, port 0 hdcp 1
p2papp_get_wlan_ifname: wl ifname=eth1
--> Wireless interface: 'eth1'
--> Friendly name     : 'VESTEL 679B9F-Gen4'
--> Discovery timeout : 3600 seconds
--> Listen channel    : 1
--> Operating channel : 1
[1;33m[HDCP2X] hdcp2_rx_main ((hdcp2_rx_main:2900))[0m
[1;33m[HDCP2X] Key format(ProtocolDescriptor): 2.2 ((HDCPInit:346))[0m
[0m[HDCP2X] waiting for HDCP transmitter to connect, Port Idx: 10100 ((ThreadProc:1233))[0m
[1;35m[WiDi][ICE_WiDiGetFriendlyName, 1793] TRACE: [0m
[1;33m[MS_WiDi_Get_Config_Item, 489]pItemStr = friendly_name
[0m[1;33m[MS_WiDi_Get_Config_Item, 520]Result => friendly_name=VESTEL 679B9F
[0m[1;35m[WiDi][MS_WiDi_Get_FriendlyName, 620] TRACE: [0mbuf(0x71a35d18) = VESTEL 679B9F
ThreadCreate: p2posl_start_raw_rx_mgr,608, calling p2posl_create_thread for p2papi_linux_rx_thread thread
--> Our MAC address  : 48:6d:bb:67:08:e1
ThreadCreate: p2papi_osl_BCMP2PDiscover,266, calling p2posl_create_thread for p2papi_discovery_thread thread
p2papi_discovery_thread: enter

tüm içerik bu şekilde hocam
By_Trol Çevrimdışı


24 Ağu 2019
Hocam 3 adet bin dosyası 1 adette txt şeklinde pm ile bitenin sonuna _connected ekleyince yazılımı attı ancak tv yeniden başladığında sorun aynı. logo geliyor hafif bi cızırtı sesi 1 sn sürmeden logo gidiyor ve tv kapanıyor. Döngüde değil tekrar tuşa basmadan açılmıyor.
Cızırtı varsa besleme kartı kontrol edilmelidir.
By_Trol Çevrimdışı


24 Ağu 2019
17mb110 s taktım vestel olarak açılıyor
Yükleme sonrası açılış resmini buraya ekleyin.
Linkteki yazılımı zipten çıkartın.
Spi isimli sarı klasörü fat32 ile biçimlendirilmiş boş bir flash belleğe kopyalayın.
Flas belleği tv nin usb giriş portuna takın
Tv yi çalıştırın.
Görüntü geldikten sonra kumanda üzerinden MENÜ 4725 Tuşlayın gelen menüde Usb operations satırına inip kumanda üzerinden OK Tuşlayın yazılım yüklenecektir.
Tv yi kumanda ile kapatıp 10-15 Saniye sonra tekrar çalıştırın tv yeni yazılım ile çalışacaktır.
Sorumluluk tamamen sizdedir.
Düzelmez ise tv yi ilk kuruluma dönderin.
teraspy Çevrimdışı


TFC Team
26 Kas 2018
hocam kusura bakmayın pc başında değildim şu şekilde usb içeriği :


usb_auto_update_G10.txt şu şekilde :

# <- this is for comment / total file size must be less than 4KB
# console ok

#For pure PM.bin upgrade, use below part
fatload usb 0:1 0x24000000 mb130_PM51_connected.bin
spi_wrc 0x24000000 0x00000000 $(filesize)

#For pure RomBoot.bin (include mboot.bin) upgrade, use below part
fatload usb 0:1 0x24000000 mb130_RomBoot.bin;
ncishash 0x24000000 0x24010000 0x24020000 0x24030000 0x3800 0x24033800 0x200000

### check file exist or not
fatpartload usb 0:1 0x21000000 mb130_en.bin 0x0 0x500000

nand erase.chip

#set partition
dynpart edb64M-nand:0xA00000(KL),0x2800000(CONF),0xC700000(UBIA),0xF000000(UBIB),0x900000(tee),-(NA)

ubi part UBIA
ubi create RFS 0x1E00000
ubi create VEN 0x9C00000

### direct write linux kernel image

fatpartload usb 0:1 0x21000000 mb130_en.bin 0x0 0x700000
aesdec 0x21000000 0x700000

nand erase.part KL
nand write.e 0x21000010 KL 0x700000

#setenv bootcmd nand read.e 0x205FFFC0 KL $(filesize)\; bootm 0x205FFFC0

fatpartload usb 0:1 0x21000000 mb130_en.bin 0x700000 0x1E00000
aesdec 0x21000000 0x1E00000
ubi part UBIA
ubi write 0x21000010 RFS 0x1E00000

fatpartload usb 0:1 0x21000000 mb130_en.bin 0x2500000 0x9C00000
aesdec 0x21000000 0x9C00000
ubi write 0x21000010 VEN 0x9C00000

ubi part CONF
ubi create CON 0x1E00000
fatpartload usb 0:1 0x21000000 mb130_en.bin 0xC100000 0x1E00000
aesdec 0x21000000 0x1E00000
ubi write 0x21000010 CON 0x1E00000

ubi part UBIB
ubi create BUF 0xBF00000
ubi create APD 0x1E00000

fatpartload usb 0:1 0x21000000 mb130_en.bin 0xDF00000 0x1100000
aesdec 0x21000000 0x1100000
ubi write 0x21000010 APD 0x1100000

fatpartload usb 0:1 0x21000000 mb130_en.bin 0xF000000 0x502210
aesdec 0x21000000 0x502210

nand erase.part tee
nand write.e 0x21000010 tee 0x500000

store_secure_info kernelSign 0x21501010
store_secure_info teeSign 0x21501230

#setenv LOAD_NUTTX nand read.e 0x50000000 tee 0x600000\;
#setenv BOOT_NUTTX bootNuttx 0x10000000\;

store_nuttx_config NuttxConfig 0x21500010

#Force Mboot to update environment after update
setenv sync_environment 1


% <- this is end of file symbol


usb_trace_log7.log şu şekilde :

**************USB TRACE LOGGING START POINT***************

    > app/demoapp: DemoApp::onRemovableDeviceChang(): device_type_usb -> resumeTsFilePlayer()
    > app/demoapp:  - onRemovableDeviceChange: Ignore connection message for drive: 0, device_type: 0, time_diff_in_msec: 6358
********************ICE_EnableRemovableDevice()******************* 1
    > novo_src/wakeupcontroller: WakeUpController::requestExitStandbyForNormalOperation
    > novo_src/wakeupcontroller: WakeUpController::processExitStandbyForNormalOperation

 [33mfixme MDrv_PM_GetWakeupKey: reg_val(0), key(639) [m
[33m ---- MApi_PNL_En(1) : start
[m[33m ---- Panel is already (1) : start
[m[1;32m[MApi_PNL_En, 1583].....ENABLE Backlight.....
[0m---- gSkipVoltageDropDetectCnt=250
[8V4O] MFC9 or MFC11 does not exist
    > novo_src/wakeupcontroller: WakeUpController::requestUpdateServiceListAccordingToStandbySearchResults
    > novo_src/wakeupcontroller: WakeUpController::processWebUpgrade
    > novo_src/wakeupcontroller: WakeUpController::processExitStandbyWithServiceList
    > novo_src/wakeupcontroller: WakeUpController::exitStandbyWithServiceList

 [33mfixme MDrv_PM_GetWakeupKey: reg_val(0), key(639) [m

 [33mfixme MDrv_PM_GetWakeupKey: reg_val(0), key(639) [m

 [33mfixme MDrv_PM_GetWakeupKey: reg_val(0), key(639) [m
    > novo_src/wakeupcontroller: WakeUpController::processSystemInit

 [33mfixme MDrv_PM_GetWakeupKey: reg_val(0), key(639) [m
    > app/demoapp: DemoApp::startDemoVideoDisplayTimerForStoreMode()
src hpd = 53
src hpd = 51
src hpd = 50
src hpd = 52
ICE_WIFI ERR : 769: ice_get_wireless_interface_name() ===========> Prefix : eth, file content : Inter-| sta-|   Quality        |   Discarded packets               | Missed | WE
ICE_WIFI ERR : 799: ice_get_wireless_interface_name() Search of the wireless interface name was failed
[1;33m[ICE_VideoHide, 6443] [FAST_TURN_ON]: skip hide
[0m[1;33m[ICE_VideoSelectSource, 1274][g_bSWDS_SetWinDone] FALSE
[0m[ICE_VideoStart, 4859] handle->device_number(0), video_pid(8192), video_stream_type(2)
Load Color correction
[35m UTOPIA ASSERT: 0, ice_product_mstar_arm/mstar/mapi/pq/drvPQ_Bin.c MDrv_PQBin_GetGRule_TableIndex 2737[35m
GRule: IPIdx out of range =9
[PQBin]:Out Of Range!! PnlIdx=6, IPIdx=65535
[35m UTOPIA ASSERT: 0, ice_product_mstar_arm/mstar/mapi/pq/drvPQ_Bin.c MDrv_PQBin_GetTable 1908[35m
[35m UTOPIA ASSERT: 0, ice_product_mstar_arm/mstar/mapi/pq/drvPQ_Bin.c MDrv_PQBin_GetGRule_TableIndex 2737[35m
GRule: IPIdx out of range =10
[PQBin]:Out Of Range!! PnlIdx=6, IPIdx=65535
[35m UTOPIA ASSERT: 0, ice_product_mstar_arm/mstar/mapi/pq/drvPQ_Bin.c MDrv_PQBin_GetTable 1908[35m
[35m UTOPIA ASSERT: 0, ice_product_mstar_arm/mstar/mapi/pq/drvPQ_Bin.c MDrv_PQBin_GetGRule_TableIndex 2737[35m
GRule: IPIdx out of range =11
[PQBin]:Out Of Range!! PnlIdx=6, IPIdx=65535
[35m UTOPIA ASSERT: 0, ice_product_mstar_arm/mstar/mapi/pq/drvPQ_Bin.c MDrv_PQBin_GetTable 1908[35m
[AUDIO][Utopia]: DecID 2 not connected MApi_AUDIO_GetDecodeSystem() 1591
[0;32m [AUDIO] [_GetFreqIndex] [1454] Can't judge VFreq  [u16InputVFreq = 0] [0m
[35m UTOPIA ASSERT: 0, ice_product_mstar_arm/mstar/mapi/pq/drvPQ_Bin.c MDrv_PQBin_GetGRule_TableIndex 2737[35m
GRule: IPIdx out of range =6
[PQBin]:Out Of Range!! PnlIdx=6, IPIdx=65535
[35m UTOPIA ASSERT: 0, ice_product_mstar_arm/mstar/mapi/pq/drvPQ_Bin.c MDrv_PQBin_GetTable 1908[35m
[1;35m[WiDi][ICE_WiDiInit, 1295] TRACE: [0m
[1;32m[widiLoadLibrary, 331]====== WiDi dongle = 1 ======
[1;32m[widiLoadLibrary, 338]====== =======END====== ======
[0m[1;32m[widiLoadLibrary, 341]WIDI_DLOPEN == 1
[0mcmd : ifconfig wl0.1 down
[1;35m[WiDi][ICE_WiDiGetFriendlyName, 1793] TRACE: [0m
[1;33m[MS_WiDi_Get_Config_Item, 489]pItemStr = friendly_name
[0m[1;33m[MS_WiDi_Get_Config_Item, 520]Result => friendly_name=VESTEL 679B9F
[0m[1;35m[WiDi][MS_WiDi_Get_FriendlyName, 620] TRACE: [0mbuf(0x71b15cd8) = VESTEL 679B9F
[1;35m[WiDi][ICE_WiDiInit, 1409] TRACE: [0m==== WIDI version: WIDI Gen4 External Rlease v2 Library
net.core.rmem_max = 8388608
net.core.rmem_default = 8388608
PoolAlloc(mtype, addr, size, used_size) = (0, 0x91b7bac0,36096,324864 )
PoolAlloc(mtype, addr, size, used_size) = (0, 0x91b72db0,36096,360960 )
PoolAlloc(mtype, addr, size, used_size) = (0, 0x91b6a0a0,36096,397056 )
PoolAlloc(mtype, addr, size, used_size) = (0, 0x91b61390,36096,433152 )
[1;35m[WiDi][ICE_WiDiStart, 1449] TRACE: [0m
cmd : ifconfig wl0.1 up
lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
          RX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:768 (768.0 B)  TX bytes:768 (768.0 B)

net.core.rmem_max = 8388608
[1;33m[ICE_WiDiStart, 1509]Buffer = 0xae8cb000 / 0x00700000
[0m[1;33m[ICE_WiDiStart, 1510]Use WiDi DIRECBUFFER
[0mwidi_setControl 0xb , value = 3
[0;31m[ICE_WiDiStart, 1523]SET WIFI_VENDOR 3
[0mwidi_setControl 0x9 , value = -1366511616
widi_setControl 0xa , value = 7340032
[1;35m[WiDi][MS_WiDi_Main_thread, 674] TRACE: [0mwidi_main Thread START
widi_getControl 0x2 , value = 0
widi_getControl 0x3 , value = 0
Warning! Invalid value (20), main audio delay should be larger than 32 ms.
[1;35m[WiDi][ICE_WiDiStart, 1633] MSG: [0mFinish
widi_getControl 0xb , value = 3
widi_getControl 0xb , value = 3
ThreadCreate: reporter thread is created
init persist sem
init persist sem end

       do_wdal_set_debug_level: done ---ooo!
wfi_init 10 --> Our MAC address  : 48:6d:bb:67:08:e1

--->>> do_wdal_set_debug_level
Entering, setting the device properties: manufacturer:Vestel, model_name_short:Gen4, model_number:, serial_number:MSD6A801
do_wdal_wfd_add_profile,5903, profile pointer:0x67331af8
Add WFD Profile:1e:15:1f:68:c8:74
61 37 66 33 65 31 33 65 38 65 39 39 39 33 62 38 64 62 37 65 31 64 64 65 35 33 37 63 30 30 63 64 38 65 30 33 36 65 37 35 64 64 62 64 34 65 31 38 61 39 62 32 38 64 38 34 61 35 37 63 32 62 66 37 do_wdal_wfd_add_profile,5903, profile pointer:0x67331b6c
Add WFD Profile:7a:62:56:4f:3a:b7
65 34 36 65 65 66 35 38 30 32 65 66 34 38 30 65 32 39 64 38 63 32 39 33 64 31 38 62 37 39 63 34 37 35 63 66 64 30 63 38 64 31 38 62 36 32 33 64 37 63 33 34 63 62 31 62 31 35 30 33 39 37 36 34 do_wdal_wfd_add_profile,5903, profile pointer:0x67331be0
Add WFD Profile:8e:25:05:a7:12:da
63 63 30 39 30 63 63 61 34 39 36 63 35 66 37 39 64 39 39 37 66 37 63 61 31 66 34 61 62 61 61 33 34 39 31 31 35 34 37 31 38 37 64 34 32 33 32 32 33 30 64 39 30 66 36 37 65 37 61 37 37 34 61 61 do_wdal_wfd_add_profile,5903, profile pointer:0x67331c54
Add WFD Profile:1e:15:1f:68:c8:74
36 61 39 63 30 38 61 66 31 37 35 35 64 31 37 36 66 34 38 36 66 33 33 30 31 35 34 62 35 63 63 62 34 61 36 61 66 32 35 64 30 32 61 62 32 61 36 63 36 38 63 64 63 36 32 38 66 64 31 65 61 34 35 66 do_wdal_wfd_add_profile,5903, profile pointer:0x67331cc8
Add WFD Profile:e2:d4:2f:05:f0:28
34 37 65 65 63 37 33 37 30 34 35 66 62 34 39 66 34 31 38 65 61 61 61 66 66 63 37 31 61 66 39 65 63 38 37 63 32 34 35 66 30 61 31 36 35 39 38 36 37 38 38 65 61 39 62 36 66 31 61 34 33 30 36 36 [1;35m[WiDi][widiEventNotify, 816] MSG: [0m[1;35m WIDI_EVENT_STATE:(0)-> (1)[0m
[0m[HDCP2X] Enter HDCP2_StopMiracast() function ((HDCP2_StopMiracast:388))[0m
[0m[HDCP2X] Leave HDCP2_StopMiracast() function ((HDCP2_StopMiracast:476))[0m
[1;35m[WiDi][widiEventNotify, 824] MSG: [0m[1;35m doStopWidi = 0[0m
[0m[HDCP2X] Enter HDCP2_StartMiracast() function ((HDCP2_StartMiracast:299))[0m
[0m[HDCP2X] Leave HDCP2_StartMiracast() function ((HDCP2_StartMiracast:381))[0m
Entering, setting the device properties: manufacturer:Vestel, model_name_short:Gen4, model_number:, serial_number:MSD6A801
[1;33m[HDCP2X] hdcp2_rx_main ((hdcp2_rx_main:2900))[0m
Broadcom Wi-Fi Direct Host Support Library Test App
Version: R21-0
WFD cmd parameters. dev_type 1, port 0 hdcp 1
p2papp_get_wlan_ifname: wl ifname=eth1
--> Wireless interface: 'eth1'
--> Friendly name     : 'VESTEL 679B9F-Gen4'
--> Discovery timeout : 3600 seconds
--> Listen channel    : 1
--> Operating channel : 1
[1;33m[HDCP2X] Key format(ProtocolDescriptor): 2.2 ((HDCPInit:346))[0m
[0m[HDCP2X] waiting for HDCP transmitter to connect, Port Idx: 10100 ((ThreadProc:1233))[0m
[1;35m[WiDi][ICE_WiDiGetFriendlyName, 1793] TRACE: [0m
[1;33m[MS_WiDi_Get_Config_Item, 489]pItemStr = friendly_name
[0m[1;33m[MS_WiDi_Get_Config_Item, 520]Result => friendly_name=VESTEL 679B9F
[0m[1;35m[WiDi][MS_WiDi_Get_FriendlyName, 620] TRACE: [0mbuf(0x71a32810) = VESTEL 679B9F
ThreadCreate: p2posl_start_raw_rx_mgr,608, calling p2posl_create_thread for p2papi_linux_rx_thread thread
--> Our MAC address  : 48:6d:bb:67:08:e1
ThreadCreate: p2papi_osl_BCMP2PDiscover,266, calling p2posl_create_thread for p2papi_discovery_thread thread
p2papi_discovery_thread: enter
Cannot open the file.
Cannot open the file.
Set mac: ifconfig eth0 hw ether 48:6D:BB:67:9B:9F

---------------- onInternetStatusMessage ----------------

p2papi_discovery_thread,219, p2papp_discovery_thread exit
ThreadCreate: p2papi_osl_BCMP2PDiscover,266, calling p2posl_create_thread for p2papi_discovery_thread thread
p2papi_discovery_thread: enter
[1;31m[ICE_APMGetStatus, 1311]ICE_APMGetStatus - Netflix is not alive
[0m    > app/demoapp: DemoApp::onNetflixLowResourceRecoveryTimer(): backgroundApm()
[1;31m[ICE_APMGetStatus, 1311]ICE_APMGetStatus - Netflix is not alive
[0m     MMPlayerService V :MMPlayerService created

[1;33m[ICE_APMBackground, 1268]ICE_APMBackground - APM_RequestToRunSilent() ...
[0m[APMLIB]:  [0;33;41m[callback onLoseFocus|line 235] is Entering.[0m

 [33mfixme MDrv_PM_GetWakeupKey: reg_val(0), key(639) [m
ICE_APMLoseFocus(): ...
[APMLIB]:  [0;33;41m[callback onLoseFocus|line 239] is Leaving.[0m
[APMLIB]:  [0;33;41m[callback onGetFocus|line 223] is Entering.[0m
ICE_APMGetFocus(): ...
[APMLIB]:  [0;33;41m[callback onGetFocus|line 227] is Leaving.[0m
[30;47mBSA_trace 1@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:086ms: BSA_MgtOpenInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 2@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:087ms: BSA_MgtOpen (/conf/)
[30;47mBSA_trace 3@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:087ms: bsa_cl_mgt_init
Debug  bsa task wait GKI
[30;47mBSA_trace 4@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:089ms: UIPC_Init
[30;47mBSA_trace 5@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:090ms: UIPC_Open ChId:3
[30;47mBSA_trace 6@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:092ms: BSA_OpsEnableInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 7@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:092ms: BSA_OpsEnable
[30;47mBSA_trace 8@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:106ms: BSA_AvkEnableInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 9@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:106ms: BSA_AvkEnable
[30;47mBSA_trace 10@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:109ms: BSA_DmSetConfigInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 11@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:109ms: BSA_DmSetConfig
[30;47mBSA_trace 12@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:120ms: BSA_DmSetConfigInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 13@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:120ms: BSA_DmSetConfig
[30;47mBSA_trace 14@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:121ms: BSA_TmVseRegisterInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 15@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:126ms: BSA_TmVseRegister
[30;47mBSA_trace 16@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:126ms: BSA_TmVseRegisterInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 17@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:126ms: BSA_TmVseRegister
[30;47mBSA_trace 18@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:126ms: BSA_TmVseRegisterInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 19@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:126ms: BSA_TmVseRegister
[30;47mBSA_trace 20@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:126ms: BSA_TmVseRegisterInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 21@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:126ms: BSA_TmVseRegister
[30;47mBSA_trace 22@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:126ms: BSA_TmVseRegisterInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 23@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:126ms: BSA_TmVseRegister
[30;47mBSA_trace 24@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:127ms: BSA_TmVseRegisterInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 25@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:127ms: BSA_TmVseRegister
[30;47mBSA_trace 26@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:127ms: BSA_TmVseRegisterInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 27@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:127ms: BSA_TmVseRegister
[30;47mBSA_trace 28@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:127ms: BSA_DmSetConfigInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 29@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:127ms: BSA_DmSetConfig
ICE_BLUETOOTH ERR : 6197: ice_bluetooth_uipc_tx_thread()ret=-15
[30;47mBSA_trace 30@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:142ms: BSA_AvEnableInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 31@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:142ms: BSA_AvEnable
[30;47mBSA_trace 32@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:144ms: BSA_AvRegisterInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 33@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:144ms: BSA_AvRegister
[30;47mBSA_trace 34@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:149ms: UIPC_Open ChId:5
[30;47mBSA_trace 35@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:149ms: uipc_rb_open name:rb_av id:5 size:20001 flags:x2
[30;47mBSA_trace 36@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:150ms: uipc_rb_open: Size = 20001
[30;47mBSA_trace 37@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:150ms: uipc_rb_open: Buffer = 0x64951010
[30;47mBSA_trace 38@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:150ms: uipc_rb_open: semid = 1572912
[30;47mBSA_trace 39@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:150ms: uipc_rb_open: wr_lockid = 1605681
[30;47mBSA_trace 40@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:150ms: uipc_rb_open: wr_lockid.val = 20000
[30;47mBSA_trace 41@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:150ms: uipc_cl_av_open AV channel opened
[30;47mBSA_trace 42@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:150ms: UIPC_Ioctl ChId:5 Request:UIPC_WRITE_BLOCK (3)
[30;47mBSA_trace 43@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:150ms: BSA_SecSetSecurityInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 44@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:150ms: BSA_SecSetSecurity
[30;47mBSA_trace 45@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:150ms: BSA_SecSetSecurityInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 46@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:150ms: BSA_SecSetSecurity
[30;47mBSA_trace 47@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:151ms: BSA_HhEnableInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 48@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:151ms: BSA_HhEnable
[30;47mBSA_trace 49@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:157ms: UIPC_Open ChId:4
[30;47mBSA_trace 50@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:157ms: uipc_fifo_open enter FIFO:./bt-hh-fifo
[30;47mBSA_trace 51@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:158ms: uipc_cl_hh_open hh channel opened
[30;47mBSA_trace 52@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:158ms: uipc_fifo_task thread started
[30;47mBSA_trace 53@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:158ms: uipc_fifo_task fifo opened
[30;47mBSA_trace 54@ 01/01 02h:00m:27s:158ms: uipc_fifo_task read thread will now read fifo
----> HW u8Key=0xc u8System=0x1
[BrowsetoWatch enter]ZAPPING TIME REMOTE_KEY: 27620 with key 543
[BrowsetoWatch exit]ZAPPING TIME REMOTE_KEY: 27620 with key 543
[IR FIQ Monitor] HAL_SYS_Read2Byte(HST1_FIQ_IR_MASK):0xffbb
    > app/demoapp: ============================> DemoApp::onStandbyKey!!!
    > app/demoapp: onStandbyKey()!!!!!!!!!! POWER KEY HANDLED !!!!!!!!isInStandby 0 getModuleState 25 isRecordingInStandby 0
    > novo_src/novostandbycontrolinterface: NovoStandbyControlInterface::requestResumeStandby() exit type = 0
    > novo_src/novostandbycontrolinterface: RESUME for NORMAL
    > novo_src/novostandbycontrolinterface: NovoStandbyControlInterface::requestQuitActiveStandby
    > app/demoapp: ====================>DemoApp::activeStandbyQuitted- m_active_standby_quit_key = 4, success: 0
    > novo_src/novostandbycontrolinterface: NovoStandbyControlInterface::requestEnterActiveStandby
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: StandbyController::isReadyToStandby()
[0;31m[_ICE_TuneWriteLastTune, 550]ice_last_sw_params.init_params.tuner_id.device_number = 0
[0m[0;31m[_ICE_TuneWriteLastTune, 551]ice_last_sw_params.open_params.tuner_id.device_number = 0
[0m    > novo_src/standbycontroller: StandbyController::requestIsAnyDvrProcessQuitStandby()
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: StandbyController::checkActiveVcrTimer()
[1;33m[ICE_VideoHide, 6443] [FAST_TURN_ON]: skip hide
[0m[1;33m[ICE_VideoSelectSource, 1274][g_bSWDS_SetWinDone] FALSE
[0mThis is non-mirror setting
[ICE_VideoSelectSource   1434] Source change flag raised, g_show_forceWait: 1
[0;31m[ICE_VideoSelectSource, 1604]REFINE THIS LINE!
[0mpstDvbt2Drv is NULL
TPS65233 set LNB power: OFF
TPS65233 read OK, LNB_Status=0x0
MSD_DTV_DVB_S_Set22KOnOff: 0
[1;35m[WiDi][ICE_WiDiStop, 1644] TRACE: [0mICE_WiDiStop
[0m[HDCP2X] Enter HDCP2_StopMiracast() function ((HDCP2_StopMiracast:388))[0m
[1;33m[HDCP2X] Wait for thread join (Rx) ((HDCP2_StopMiracast:439))[0m
[1;33m[HDCP2X] Thread join complete (Rx) ((HDCP2_StopMiracast:442))[0m
[0m[HDCP2X] Leave HDCP2_StopMiracast() function ((HDCP2_StopMiracast:476))[0m
[DMX][Utopia]: [_MApi_DMX_Close][4293] Filte 0 is already freed
[DMX][Utopia]: [_MApi_DMX_Close][4293] Filte 0 is already freed
[IR FIQ Monitor] HAL_SYS_Read2Byte(HST1_FIQ_IR_MASK):0xffbb
[1;31m[MApi_VDEC_EX_Exit_Wrap, 273]gStreamID[0] u32Id / u32Version = 16448 / 0
[0m0xf means VPU is not stalled


widi_getControl 0x1 , value = 0
[IR FIQ Monitor] HAL_SYS_Read2Byte(HST1_FIQ_IR_MASK):0xffbb
----> HW u8Key=0xc u8System=0x1
[IR FIQ Monitor] HAL_SYS_Read2Byte(HST1_FIQ_IR_MASK):0xffbb
----> HW u8Key=0xc u8System=0x1
[IR FIQ Monitor] HAL_SYS_Read2Byte(HST1_FIQ_IR_MASK):0xffbb
p2papi_discovery_thread,219, p2papp_discovery_thread exit
p2papi_linux_rx_thread: exit
[ThreadStatus] p2posl_close,701, thread status: discovery:0, connect:0, incoming:0, group:0, dhcpd:0, rx_thread:0
delete persist sem
delete persist sem end
[1;35m[WiDi][MS_WiDi_Main_thread, 679] TRACE: [0mwidi_main Thread END

 Clear Plane Will be Called

 Clear Plane was Called
PoolFree(mtype, addr, size, used_size) = (0, 0x91b7bac0, 36096, 397056)
PoolFree(mtype, addr, size, used_size) = (0, 0x91b72db0, 36096, 360960)
PoolFree(mtype, addr, size, used_size) = (0, 0x91b6a0a0, 36096, 324864)
PoolFree(mtype, addr, size, used_size) = (0, 0x91b61390, 36096, 288768)
pstDvbt2Drv is NULL
[1;32m[widiUnLoadLibrary, 378]widiUnLoadLibrary
[0m[1;35m[WiDi][ICE_WiDiStop, 1747] MSG: [0mFinish
    > novo_src/novostandbycontrolinterface: isReadyToStandby = 0
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: StandbyController::startActiveStandby()
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: setDeviceStandbyStatus- in_active_standby =1
ICE_WIFI ERR : 1408: ICE_WiFi_BRCM_SetMimoBwCap() Can not set status of mimo bw cap
wifi_task  waited: 2 times
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] start [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] end [0m
---------------- onInternetStatusMessage ----------------

[ICE_TunerOpen, 432] params->tuner_id.device_number(0)
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] start [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] end [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] start [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] end [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] start [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] end [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] start [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] end [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] start [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] end [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] start [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] end [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] start [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] end [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] start [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] end [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] start [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] end [0m
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: setRecordingInStandby- is_recording =0
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: StandbyController::startActiveStandby exit type = 0
[33m ---- MApi_PNL_En(0) : start
[m---- gSkipVoltageDropDetectCnt=250
 not trick mode, turn off pll
[33m ---- MApi_PNL_En(0) : end
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: Standby State - INIT
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: Standby State - STANDBY
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: standby : e_entry
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: _______________calculateWakeupTime____________
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: Query for broadcasted time
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: Checking time
udhcpc (v1.18.4) started
Sending discover...
Sending select for
Lease of obtained, lease time 86400
deleting routers
adding dns
    > app/broadcasttimechecker: NO SIGNAL....No need to check time any more
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: Broadcast time can not be handled
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: broadcast_time_check_status 0
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: now_time(0:0)
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: search_time (0:0)
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: dt_now_utc(0)
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: wakeup_min(-120)
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: wakeup_max(240)
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: secs_after_todays_search: 0
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: secs_to_tomorrows_search : 86400
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: getTimeToSwUpdateSearch() 86400
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: Periodic check is the next thing to wake up for-2
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: _________ Status is [1] ________
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: standby_operation_status = 1
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: doActiveStandbyOperations(0)
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: Entering standby for 86400 seconds
[1;33m[ICE_APMGetStatus, 1332]ICE_APMGetStatus - Netflix is suspended
[0m    > novo_src/standbycontroller: StandbyController::enterStandbyMode - Stop suspended apm
[1;33m[ICE_APMGetStatus, 1332]ICE_APMGetStatus - Netflix is suspended
[0m    > novo/apmcontroller: NovoAPMController::stopApm - STR running apm: apm_name: 5, exit_type: 1
[1;33m[ICE_APMGetStatus, 1332]ICE_APMGetStatus - Netflix is suspended
[0m[0;31m[ICE_APMStop, 954]ICE_APMStop - Request to stop running apm: 5, exit_type:512
[0m# STR # Netflix sleep
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] start [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] end [0m
    > ecl/remote_control:  - disableRemoteKeypressHandling: Disabled by client 1
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: In enterStandbyMode Entering 1th SUSPEND mode, m_secs_in_standby = 86400 !
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: enterStandbyMode - Deactivate reminder manager ...
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: getLastValidTunerIdForPrimaryVideo  0 !
    > ecl/easicontroltask:  - caEnterStandbyRequest
[1;33m[ICE_HardwareSuspendToRam, 5109]<Mstar STR>[ICE_HardwareSuspendToRam] START!
[0m[AUDIO][Utopia]: [1;33m [AUDIO] [MApi_AUDIO_SetCommand] [1983] [reset dsp 2 code type] [0m
[0m[HDCP2X] Enter HDCP2_SuspendHDMI() function ((HDCP2_SuspendHDMI:1176))[0m
[0m[HDCP2X] Leave HDCP2_SuspendHDMI() function ((HDCP2_SuspendHDMI:1193))[0m


the required length is 33181696 ,the avail is 1662976


the required length is 33181696 ,the avail is 1662976


the required length is 33181696 ,the avail is 1662976
MailBox: MDrv_PM_STR_SetDbgLevel...!
STR first sleep wait PM
STR second sleep wait PM
enable RTC0 wakeup sleeptime:86400
MAC addr = 48:6D:BB:67:9B:9F
power down mac = 48:6d:bb:67:9b:9f,src hpd = 50
src hpd = 51
src hpd = 52
src hpd = 53
STR power down
[30;47mBSA_trace 55@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:311ms: uipc_cl_socket_handle_read: Socket disconnected from Server
[30;47mBSA_trace 56@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:311ms: bsa_mgt_cback disconnected from server
[30;47mBSA_trace 57@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:311ms: uipc_cl_socket_read_task: exit
[30;47mBSA_trace 58@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:311ms: uipc_thread_stop
[30;47mBSA_trace 60@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: uipc_thread_stop: Free TM ./bt-daemon-socket index:0
[30;47mBSA_trace 61@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: INFO: uipc_thread_stop: this function does NOT really stop a thread
[30;47mBSA_trace 62@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: INFO: The thread ITSELF must explicitly end itself by returning calling from thread entry point
[30;47mBSA_trace 59@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: uipc_fifo_task FIFO read return:0
[30;47mBSA_trace 63@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: uipc_fifo_task closing FIFO
[30;47mBSA_trace 64@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: uipc_cl_hh_cback fifo closed event
[30;47mBSA_trace 65@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: uipc_fifo_task read exit
[30;47mBSA_trace 66@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: uipc_thread_stop
[30;47mBSA_trace 67@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: uipc_thread_stop: Free TM /conf/./bt-hh-fifo index:1
[30;47mBSA_trace 68@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: INFO: uipc_thread_stop: this function does NOT really stop a thread
[30;47mBSA_trace 69@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: INFO: The thread ITSELF must explicitly end itself by returning calling from thread entry point
Debug bsa_callback_task Event 0x2
Debug mail box receive
[30;47mBSA_trace 70@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: bsa_mgt_disc_hdlr
[30;47mBSA_trace 71@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: Task_id:0 is not waiting for msg
[30;47mBSA_trace 72@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: Task_id:1 is not waiting for msg
[30;47mBSA_trace 73@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: Task_id:2 is not waiting for msg
[30;47mBSA_trace 74@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: Task_id:3 is not waiting for msg
[30;47mBSA_trace 75@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: Task_id:4 is not waiting for msg
[30;47mBSA_trace 76@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: UIPC_3: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 77@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: UIPC_Close ChId:3
[31;47mBSA_trace 78@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: uipc_cl_socket_disconnect: write socketpair failed(Bad file descriptor)[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 79@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: UIPC_4: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 80@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: UIPC_Close ChId:4
[30;47mBSA_trace 81@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: uipc_fifo_close
[30;47mBSA_trace 82@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: uipc_fifo_close read thread already dead.
[30;47mBSA_trace 83@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: UIPC_5: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 84@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: UIPC_Close ChId:5
[30;47mBSA_trace 85@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:312ms: uipc_rb_close desc:0
[31;47mBSA_trace 86@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_sema_lock: semop fail:-1[30;47m
[31;47mBSA_trace 87@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_rb_close uipc_sema_lock failed[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 88@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_shm_detach delete Shared Memory
[31;47mBSA_trace 89@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_sema_unlock: semop fail:-1[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 90@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_rb_close rb:rb_av closed
[30;47mBSA_trace 91@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_6: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 92@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:6
[30;47mBSA_trace 93@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_rb_close desc:-1
[31;47mBSA_trace 94@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_rb_close bad RB desc:-1[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 95@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_7: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 96@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:7
[30;47mBSA_trace 97@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_avk_close
[30;47mBSA_trace 98@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_8: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 99@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:8
[30;47mBSA_trace 100@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_avk_close
[30;47mBSA_trace 101@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_9: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 102@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:9
[30;47mBSA_trace 103@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_10: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 104@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:10
[30;47mBSA_trace 105@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_11: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 106@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:11
[31;47mBSA_trace 107@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_cl_dg_close channelId:11 was not open[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 108@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_12: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 109@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:12
[31;47mBSA_trace 110@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_cl_dg_close channelId:12 was not open[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 111@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_13: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 112@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:13
[31;47mBSA_trace 113@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_cl_dg_close channelId:13 was not open[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 114@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_14: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 115@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:14
[31;47mBSA_trace 116@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_cl_dg_close channelId:14 was not open[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 117@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_15: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 118@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:15
[30;47mBSA_trace 119@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_16: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 120@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:16
[30;47mBSA_trace 121@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_17: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 122@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:17
[30;47mBSA_trace 123@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_18: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 124@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:18
[31;47mBSA_trace 125@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_cl_hl_close channelId:18 was not open[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 126@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_19: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 127@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:19
[31;47mBSA_trace 128@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_cl_hl_close channelId:19 was not open[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 129@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_20: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 130@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:20
[31;47mBSA_trace 131@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_cl_hl_close channelId:20 was not open[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 132@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_21: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 133@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:21
[31;47mBSA_trace 134@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: uipc_cl_hl_close channelId:21 was not open[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 135@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_22: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 136@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:22
[30;47mBSA_trace 137@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_23: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 138@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:313ms: UIPC_Close ChId:23
[30;47mBSA_trace 139@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: uipc_cl_av_bav_close AV Bcst channel is already closed. Do nothing.
[30;47mBSA_trace 140@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_24: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 141@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_Close ChId:24
[30;47mBSA_trace 142@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: uipc_cl_av_bav_close AV Bcst channel is already closed. Do nothing.
[30;47mBSA_trace 143@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_25: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 144@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_Close ChId:25
[31;47mBSA_trace 145@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: uipc_cl_socket_disconnect: bad socket 10[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 146@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_26: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 147@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_Close ChId:26
[30;47mBSA_trace 148@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: uipc_pbc_close
[30;47mBSA_trace 149@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_27: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 150@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_Close ChId:27
[30;47mBSA_trace 151@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: uipc_mce_rx_close
[30;47mBSA_trace 152@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_28: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 153@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_Close ChId:28
[30;47mBSA_trace 154@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: uipc_mce_tx_close
[30;47mBSA_trace 155@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_29: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 156@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_Close ChId:29
[31;47mBSA_trace 157@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: uipc_cl_pan_close channelId:29 was not open[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 158@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_30: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 159@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_Close ChId:30
[31;47mBSA_trace 160@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: uipc_cl_pan_close channelId:30 was not open[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 161@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_31: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 162@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_Close ChId:31
[31;47mBSA_trace 163@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: uipc_cl_pan_close channelId:31 was not open[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 164@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_32: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 165@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_Close ChId:32
[31;47mBSA_trace 166@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: uipc_cl_pan_close channelId:32 was not open[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 167@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_33: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 168@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_Close ChId:33
[31;47mBSA_trace 169@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: uipc_cl_pan_close channelId:33 was not open[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 170@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_34: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 171@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_Close ChId:34
[31;47mBSA_trace 172@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: uipc_cl_pan_close channelId:34 was not open[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 173@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_35: closing
[30;47mBSA_trace 174@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: UIPC_Close ChId:35
[31;47mBSA_trace 175@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:314ms: uipc_cl_pan_close channelId:35 was not open[30;47m
Debug  bsa task wait GKI
----> HW u8Key=0xc u8System=0x1
[IR FIQ Monitor] HAL_SYS_Read2Byte(HST1_FIQ_IR_MASK):0xffbb
avoid eject before driver finishes its job 1
[30;47mBSA_trace 176@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:380ms: BSA_OpsDisableInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 177@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:380ms: BSA_OpsDisable
[31;47mBSA_trace 178@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:380ms: ERROR Not connected to server[30;47m
ICE_BLUETOOTH ERR : 651: ice_bluetooth_stop_ops()Error:105
[30;47mBSA_trace 179@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:381ms: BSA_AvkDeregisterInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 180@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:381ms: BSA_AvkDeregister
[31;47mBSA_trace 181@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:381ms: ERROR Not connected to server[30;47m
[31;47mBSA_trace 182@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:381ms: ERROR BSA_AvkRegister fails status:105[30;47m
[30;47mBSA_trace 183@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:381ms: BSA_AvkDisableInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 184@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:381ms: BSA_AvkDisable
[31;47mBSA_trace 185@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:381ms: ERROR Not connected to server[30;47m
ICE_BLUETOOTH ERR : 6430: ICE_BluetoothAVCloseByStatus()no device
[0;32m [AUDIO] [ICE_StopAudioPCMCapture] [170] [PCM capture is already stopped] [0m
[30;47mBSA_trace 186@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:381ms: UIPC_Close ChId:4
[30;47mBSA_trace 187@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:381ms: BSA_HhDisableInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 188@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:381ms: BSA_HhDisable
[31;47mBSA_trace 189@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:381ms: ERROR Not connected to server[30;47m
[IR FIQ Monitor] HAL_SYS_Read2Byte(HST1_FIQ_IR_MASK):0xffbb
    > ecl/remote_control:  - handleKeypress: Disabled by clients, discard key 1543
[30;47mBSA_trace 190@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:594ms: BSA_MgtKillServerInit
[30;47mBSA_trace 191@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:594ms: BSA_MgtKillServer
[31;47mBSA_trace 192@ 01/01 02h:00m:47s:594ms: BSA_MgtKillServer not connected to server[30;47m
ICE_BLUETOOTH ERR : 3674: ice_BluetoothStopBSAServer()Unable to stop BSA server
[IR FIQ Monitor] HAL_SYS_Read2Byte(HST1_FIQ_IR_MASK):0xffbb
----> HW u8Key=0xc u8System=0x1
[IR FIQ Monitor] HAL_SYS_Read2Byte(HST1_FIQ_IR_MASK):0xffbb
----> HW u8Key=0xc u8System=0x1
[IR FIQ Monitor] HAL_SYS_Read2Byte(HST1_FIQ_IR_MASK):0xffbb
----> HW u8Key=0xc u8System=0x1
[IR FIQ Monitor] HAL_SYS_Read2Byte(HST1_FIQ_IR_MASK):0xffbb
diff_time 48012 bcm_dongle_last_connected_time 0
    > ecl/remote_control:  - handleKeypress: Disabled by clients, discard key 1543

usb_trace_log35.log şu şekilde:

**************USB TRACE LOGGING START POINT***************

    > app/demoapp: DemoApp::onRemovableDeviceChang(): device_type_usb -> resumeTsFilePlayer()
    > app/demoapp:  - onRemovableDeviceChange: Ignore connection message for drive: 0, device_type: 0, time_diff_in_msec: 3990
---------------- onInternetStatusMessage ----------------

[mapi_showSTRlogo_timeout]timeout:2000 MsOS_GetSystemTime:54902 - panelOnStartTime:52840 = 2062 MsOS_GetSystemTime:54902 - strResume_logoStartTime:50436   = 4466
show bootlogo timeout!
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] start [0m
    > sqlitedb: [1;31m [Sqlite_DB_Write] end [0m
[1;35m[WiDi][ICE_WiDiInit, 1295] TRACE: [0m
[1;32m[widiLoadLibrary, 331]====== WiDi dongle = 1 ======
[1;32m[widiLoadLibrary, 338]====== =======END====== ======
[0m[1;32m[widiLoadLibrary, 341]WIDI_DLOPEN == 1
[0mcmd : ifconfig wl0.1 down
[1;35m[WiDi][ICE_WiDiGetFriendlyName, 1793] TRACE: [0m
[1;33m[MS_WiDi_Get_Config_Item, 489]pItemStr = friendly_name
[0m[1;33m[MS_WiDi_Get_Config_Item, 520]Result => friendly_name=VESTEL 679B9F
[0m[1;35m[WiDi][MS_WiDi_Get_FriendlyName, 620] TRACE: [0mbuf(0x71ad5b18) = VESTEL 679B9F
[1;35m[WiDi][ICE_WiDiInit, 1409] TRACE: [0m==== WIDI version: WIDI Gen4 External Rlease v2 Library
net.core.rmem_max = 8388608
net.core.rmem_default = 8388608
PoolAlloc(mtype, addr, size, used_size) = (0, 0x91b7bac0,36096,324864 )
PoolAlloc(mtype, addr, size, used_size) = (0, 0x91b72db0,36096,360960 )
PoolAlloc(mtype, addr, size, used_size) = (0, 0x91b6a0a0,36096,397056 )
PoolAlloc(mtype, addr, size, used_size) = (0, 0x91b61390,36096,433152 )
[1;35m[WiDi][ICE_WiDiStart, 1449] TRACE: [0m
cmd : ifconfig wl0.1 up
eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 48:6D:BB:67:08:E1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
          RX packets:112 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:112 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:9040 (8.8 KiB)  TX bytes:9040 (8.8 KiB)

net.core.rmem_max = 8388608
[1;33m[ICE_WiDiStart, 1509]Buffer = 0xae8cb000 / 0x00700000
[0m[1;33m[ICE_WiDiStart, 1510]Use WiDi DIRECBUFFER
[0mwidi_setControl 0xb , value = 3
[0;31m[ICE_WiDiStart, 1523]SET WIFI_VENDOR 3
[0mwidi_setControl 0x9 , value = -1366511616
widi_setControl 0xa , value = 7340032
[1;35m[WiDi][MS_WiDi_Main_thread, 674] TRACE: [0mwidi_main Thread START
widi_getControl 0x2 , value = 0
widi_getControl 0x3 , value = 0
Warning! Invalid value (20), main audio delay should be larger than 32 ms.
[1;35m[WiDi][ICE_WiDiStart, 1633] MSG: [0mFinish

 [33mfixme MDrv_PM_GetWakeupKey: reg_val(12), key(543) [m

 [33mfixme MDrv_PM_GetWakeupKey: reg_val(12), key(543) [m

 [33mfixme MDrv_PM_GetWakeupKey: reg_val(12), key(543) [m
    > novo_src/wakeupcontroller: WakeUpController::processSystemInit
    > novo_src/wakeupcontroller: WakeUpController::processExitFromActiveStandby
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: StandbyController::processTerminate
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: setDeviceStandbyStatus- in_active_standby =0

 [33mfixme MDrv_PM_GetWakeupKey: reg_val(12), key(543) [m
    > ecl/remote_control:  - enableRemoteKeypressHandling: Enabled by client 1
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: requestTerminate - activate reminder manager ...
    > novo_src/standbycontroller: StandbyController::requestTerminate END
widi_getControl 0xb , value = 3
widi_getControl 0xb , value = 3
ThreadCreate: reporter thread is created
init persist sem
init persist sem end

       do_wdal_set_debug_level: done ---ooo!
wfi_init 10 --> Our MAC address  : 48:6d:bb:67:08:e1

--->>> do_wdal_set_debug_level
Entering, setting the device properties: manufacturer:Vestel, model_name_short:Gen4, model_number:, serial_number:MSD6A801
do_wdal_wfd_add_profile,5903, profile pointer:0x60403af8
Add WFD Profile:1e:15:1f:68:c8:74
61 37 66 33 65 31 33 65 38 65 39 39 39 33 62 38 64 62 37 65 31 64 64 65 35 33 37 63 30 30 63 64 38 65 30 33 36 65 37 35 64 64 62 64 34 65 31 38 61 39 62 32 38 64 38 34 61 35 37 63 32 62 66 37 do_wdal_wfd_add_profile,5903, profile pointer:0x60403b6c
Add WFD Profile:7a:62:56:4f:3a:b7
65 34 36 65 65 66 35 38 30 32 65 66 34 38 30 65 32 39 64 38 63 32 39 33 64 31 38 62 37 39 63 34 37 35 63 66 64 30 63 38 64 31 38 62 36 32 33 64 37 63 33 34 63 62 31 62 31 35 30 33 39 37 36 34 do_wdal_wfd_add_profile,5903, profile pointer:0x60403be0
Add WFD Profile:8e:25:05:a7:12:da
63 63 30 39 30 63 63 61 34 39 36 63 35 66 37 39 64 39 39 37 66 37 63 61 31 66 34 61 62 61 61 33 34 39 31 31 35 34 37 31 38 37 64 34 32 33 32 32 33 30 64 39 30 66 36 37 65 37 61 37 37 34 61 61 do_wdal_wfd_add_profile,5903, profile pointer:0x60403c54
Add WFD Profile:1e:15:1f:68:c8:74
36 61 39 63 30 38 61 66 31 37 35 35 64 31 37 36 66 34 38 36 66 33 33 30 31 35 34 62 35 63 63 62 34 61 36 61 66 32 35 64 30 32 61 62 32 61 36 63 36 38 63 64 63 36 32 38 66 64 31 65 61 34 35 66 do_wdal_wfd_add_profile,5903, profile pointer:0x60403cc8
Add WFD Profile:e2:d4:2f:05:f0:28
34 37 65 65 63 37 33 37 30 34 35 66 62 34 39 66 34 31 38 65 61 61 61 66 66 63 37 31 61 66 39 65 63 38 37 63 32 34 35 66 30 61 31 36 35 39 38 36 37 38 38 65 61 39 62 36 66 31 61 34 33 30 36 36 [1;35m[WiDi][widiEventNotify, 816] MSG: [0m[1;35m WIDI_EVENT_STATE:(1)-> (1)[0m
[0m[HDCP2X] Enter HDCP2_StopMiracast() function ((HDCP2_StopMiracast:388))[0m
[0m[HDCP2X] Leave HDCP2_StopMiracast() function ((HDCP2_StopMiracast:476))[0m
[1;35m[WiDi][widiEventNotify, 824] MSG: [0m[1;35m doStopWidi = 0[0m
[0m[HDCP2X] Enter HDCP2_StartMiracast() function ((HDCP2_StartMiracast:299))[0m
[0m[HDCP2X] Leave HDCP2_StartMiracast() function ((HDCP2_StartMiracast:381))[0m
Entering, setting the device properties: manufacturer:Vestel, model_name_short:Gen4, model_number:, serial_number:MSD6A801
Broadcom Wi-Fi Direct Host Support Library Test App
Version: R21-0
WFD cmd parameters. dev_type 1, port 0 hdcp 1
p2papp_get_wlan_ifname: wl ifname=eth1
--> Wireless interface: 'eth1'
--> Friendly name     : 'VESTEL 679B9F-Gen4'
--> Discovery timeout : 3600 seconds
--> Listen channel    : 1
--> Operating channel : 1
[1;33m[HDCP2X] hdcp2_rx_main ((hdcp2_rx_main:2900))[0m
[1;33m[HDCP2X] Key format(ProtocolDescriptor): 2.2 ((HDCPInit:346))[0m
[0m[HDCP2X] waiting for HDCP transmitter to connect, Port Idx: 10100 ((ThreadProc:1233))[0m
[1;35m[WiDi][ICE_WiDiGetFriendlyName, 1793] TRACE: [0m
[1;33m[MS_WiDi_Get_Config_Item, 489]pItemStr = friendly_name
[0m[1;33m[MS_WiDi_Get_Config_Item, 520]Result => friendly_name=VESTEL 679B9F
[0m[1;35m[WiDi][MS_WiDi_Get_FriendlyName, 620] TRACE: [0mbuf(0x71a35d18) = VESTEL 679B9F
ThreadCreate: p2posl_start_raw_rx_mgr,608, calling p2posl_create_thread for p2papi_linux_rx_thread thread
--> Our MAC address  : 48:6d:bb:67:08:e1
ThreadCreate: p2papi_osl_BCMP2PDiscover,266, calling p2posl_create_thread for p2papi_discovery_thread thread
p2papi_discovery_thread: enter

tüm içerik bu şekilde hocam
Hımm, ben de usb içindekilerini dosya isimleri ve txt dosyasındaki yükleme dosya isimlerini görmek istemiştim,ama işlem tamammış ,bir de By_Trol By_Trol un dediğini yap tekrar dene ,yine olmuyorsa usb bellek değiştir ,tvde usb 3.0 girişi varsa oraya takma,2.0 olan yere tak belleği.
S Çevrimdışı


Yeni Üye
7 Şub 2023
Herkese iyi günler. 17MB230 kasası için üretici yazılımını istiyorum. Matrix VES500QNZP-N4-Z02 KENDO 50LED8201 Bir dakika sonra kapanır. Başka bir marka da mümkündür, ancak matris bu türden olmalıdır. Veya pq matrix yapılandırma dosyası.
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