Lütfen cevap verinSlm vestel 40 inç ves400unds-2d-n11 panel yazılımı atabilir misiniz
Kart 17mb140 takıldı ekran tersSlm vestel 40 inç ves400unds-2d-n11 panel yazılımı atabilir misiniz
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Cod panel ?.Hello,
I'm looking for the complete software for 17MB120.
I cannot check the version already installed because the TV is stucked into burning mode.
It's Kubo Panel, I think its a white label.Cod panel ?.
If the panel is Vestel you have to find the code with VES ??????. It is written on a white label pasted on the back of the panel.It's Kubo Panel, I think its a white label.
The device started working, I have it on my desk, on Monday I will connect it to the matrix and see what happened, but the device does not turn off. Thank you.If you want try or wait for an answer from BY_Trol.
Ziyaretçiler için gizlenmiş link,görmek için Giriş yap veya üye ol.
Use a programmable remote control or a Vestel.The device started working, I have it on my desk, on Monday I will connect it to the matrix and see what happened, but the device does not turn off. Thank you.
Try Carbon:Slm vestel 40 inç ves400unds-2d-n11 panel yazılımı atabilir misiniz
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Kart 17mb140 takıldı ekran ters
Stanbay da kalıyor full yazılım veya kurtarma rica ederim varsa