Önemli Vestel Mb82-Mb100-Mb110-Mb120-Mb130-Mb140-Mb211-Mb230 Güncelleme-Çekirdek Yazılım Konusu

yokoono Çevrimiçi


TFC Team
20 Mar 2019
Thinking of a new board so I now have a new question 😆;
If I get any 17mb130e board from any(but similar) size, as long as I get a picture (even if upside down or cropped etc), can I then theoretically access the service menu and assign the correct panel to the board and/or then update via usb?
Possible but not always. The position of the lvds ribbon can be different and implicitly other changes. Preferably for the same panel (ves550qndl-2d-n12). To check the power supply, you must disassemble the TV and have knowledge of electronics. But if the stby LED of the TV lights up, it can be considered that it is ok for the main board power supply.
LogisticBiscuit Çevrimdışı


Yeni Üye
6 Nis 2023
Possible but not always. The position of the lvds ribbon can be different and implicitly other changes. Preferably for the same panel (ves550qndl-2d-n12). To check the power supply, you must disassemble the TV and have knowledge of electronics. But if the stby LED of the TV lights up, it can be considered that it is ok for the main board power supply.
I have fair knowledge of electronics so totally willing to get the soldering iron out. I have tested most crucial components on ps board with meter and along with visual inspection for obvious nasties like bad caps, agree that board is fine. Was wondering if there was any extra psu logic I guess.
So I know both the screen(MB91 LG UHD/55262 DLED) and panel(ves550qndl-2d-n12) model.
The T-Con board is LG with a TLi2380EP ic.
The board(mb130) serial(? I guess) that is printed along the top beside the PSU connector is [1913 23515696281161620539 1011913957301]
Just in case this helps, I can take pictures etc if necessary. Either to fix, destroy or replace the board🤣
Thanks again for all your assistance ☺️
LogisticBiscuit Çevrimdışı


Yeni Üye
6 Nis 2023
I have fair knowledge of electronics so totally willing to get the soldering iron out. I have tested most crucial components on ps board with meter and along with visual inspection for obvious nasties like bad caps, agree that board is fine. Was wondering if there was any extra psu logic I guess.
So I know both the screen(MB91 LG UHD/55262 DLED) and panel(ves550qndl-2d-n12) model.
The T-Con board is LG with a TLi2380EP ic.
The board(mb130) serial(? I guess) that is printed along the top beside the PSU connector is [1913 23515696281161620539 1011913957301]
Just in case this helps, I can take pictures etc if necessary. Either to fix, destroy or replace the board🤣
Thanks again for all your assistance ☺️
To aid in finding a mainboard, what is the significance of the panel model suffix?
Mine is QNDL-2D-N12 but I have seen some mainboards for "slightly" different panel numbers (QNDS, or QNDL-2D-U11 for example)
K Çevrimdışı


Yeni Üye
17 Ocak 2019
Artık TV yazılımlarını buradan indirebiliyoruz VESTEL kendisi paylaşıyor.

TV nizin seri no numarası ile en son yazılımı attığım link den kolayca indirebiliyorsunuz.

Ben Techwood 43U902 seri no sunu yazdım hala en son yazlım olarak bana V. sürümünü verdi ama en son yazlım bu değil en son yazılım V. başka marka TV ye sahip olanlar yazlım linkini paylaşabilirmi böylelikle en son yazlımı indirmiş oluruz.

bana verdiği sürüm bu.tek smar
M Çevrimdışı


Yeni Üye
6 Nis 2023
Merhaba, vestel 17mb651 v2 10077694 seri no yazılımı bulamadım. yardımcı olabilir misiniz? şimdiden teşekkürler iyi forumlar.
K Çevrimdışı


Yeni Üye
17 Ocak 2019
Ben indiremiyorum hangi seri no yazsam bulunamadı diyormesela bunu indirmek istedim inmedi

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