United UN3232LE (MB140)

slowfood Çevrimdışı


23 May 2022
The clone file produced by the "master TV" causes the problem to every TV cloned.
If I setup a new "master TV " from the beginning, everything works good with that TV,
Hotel mode, menus disabled, volume set, and always goes to standby after a power cycle. All is good.
If I then make a clone from this TV and use it on another (or the same TV) , the problem starts
Did all 12 televisions come off the same production line? Because you know, even if only the panel selection changes in different production lines, we need to update the software and configuration files we use.

Please share the label information on the back of the TV visually so that the software can be shared just in case. Share for multiple devices if possible.
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Yeni Üye
13 Mar 2023
I can only assume yes. They where bought last November all together 12 pieces , and put to use yesterday.
Same production line, unfortunately I don't have serials for the other.
I can also upload a clone file, but it is in binary

slowfood Çevrimdışı


23 May 2022
I can only assume yes. They where bought last November all together 12 pieces , and put to use yesterday.
Same production line, unfortunately I don't have serials for the other.

Even if they were purchased on the same date, it will still be noticed if they came to the purchased company on different dates. I will share the issue with our masters in software. In case of compatible software, we will share its information.

Ustalarım, Aynı otel için 12 adet alınan cihaz. Ayarlarını yapıp kaydettikten sonra otel modu ve diğer ayar seçenekleri dosya olarak alınıp diğer TV' lere yüklendiğinde, cihaz elektrik kesilip geldikten sonra standby' da kalması gerekirken direkt açılıyor. Otel koşullarında da kartlı güç sistemi olduğu için bu enerji kesilme gelme senaryosu sürekli yaşanacak. Dosyaları oluşturduğu ana TV' yi değiştirdiğinde problemin ortadan kalktığını söyledi, ancak diğer TV' lere dosyayı attığında problem devam ediyormuş. Yazılım yüklemesi ile çözülür dediğiniz bir durum var ise,

By_Trol By_Trol Sota Sota yokoono yokoono teraspy teraspy

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Yeni Üye
13 Mar 2023
Thank you very much for your help.
Unless it is a translation error,
The clone file produced, when applied even to the same unit, the problem starts (no standby after a power cycle)
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slowfood Çevrimdışı


23 May 2022
Thank you very much for your help.
Unless it is a translation error,
The clone file produced, when applied even to the same unit, the problem starts (no standby after a power cycle)
Weird problem. :( Because if there were problems with different devices, we could say device incompatibility. However, it is strange that in this case the problem occurs on the same device.

Translate: Tuhaf problem. Çünkü eğer farklı cihazlarda sorun olsaydı cihaz uyumsuzluğu diyebilirdik. Ancak bu durumda aynı cihazda da sorun çıkması tuhaf.

Sayın teraspy teraspy emmi siz ne dersiniz?

Yazılım için arşivi kontrol edip bilgi vereceğim
Translated: I will check the archive for the software and let you know.
Sota Çevrimdışı


6 Mar 2016
Weird problem. :( Because if there were problems with different devices, we could say device incompatibility. However, it is strange that in this case the problem occurs on the same device.

Translate: Tuhaf problem. Çünkü eğer farklı cihazlarda sorun olsaydı cihaz uyumsuzluğu diyebilirdik. Ancak bu durumda aynı cihazda da sorun çıkması tuhaf.

Sayın teraspy teraspy emmi siz ne dersiniz?

Translated: I will check the archive for the software and let you know.
Emmiyle az önce telefonda görüştüm şuan misafirlikte 1-2 saate anca gelebilir.
S Çevrimdışı


Yeni Üye
13 Mar 2023
Thank you all.
I have done quite a few hotel installations in the past, all regarding re-bagded (Panasonic,JVC,F&U etc) tv's but have never come across any problems.
In this case, along with the clone file which is made, some other data is added (perhaps corrupt?) , in the file, and when it is reloaded to the same or another TV, the problem arises.
Normally when it goes into standby mode, the led flashes 5~6 times, then standby. In my case, the led flashes maybe 30~45 seconds, and then goes into standby, as if something will not let it go to standby.
The problem regards cloning, and not specifically hotel mode functions.
Just as a test, I tuned a TV, all OK, got into the hotel mode menu just to make a clone of the settings without activating hotel mode. When applying the clone file to the same TV, the problem occurs.
slowfood Çevrimdışı


23 May 2022
Thank you all.
I have done quite a few hotel installations in the past, all regarding re-bagded (Panasonic,JVC,F&U etc) tv's but have never come across any problems.
In this case, along with the clone file which is made, some other data is added (perhaps corrupt?) , in the file, and when it is reloaded to the same or another TV, the problem arises.
Normally when it goes into standby mode, the led flashes 5~6 times, then standby. In my case, the led flashes maybe 30~45 seconds, and then goes into standby, as if something will not let it go to standby.
The problem regards cloning, and not specifically hotel mode functions.
Just as a test, I tuned a TV, all OK, got into the hotel mode menu just to make a clone of the settings without activating hotel mode. When applying the clone file to the same TV, the problem occurs.
Your wellcome. It's something we never thought of, but could it be a problem with the usb stick used when importing the clone file? Did you try a different USB memory stick and try to format it on the TV in question? (File format errors)
S Çevrimdışı


Yeni Üye
13 Mar 2023
Yes, I have tried various usb sticks, all with the same results, also had an accident with one of the sticks and over-wrote the panel file as it had panel details from a previous repair!!, fortunately, I loaded compatible files, and is up and running again :)
slowfood Çevrimdışı


23 May 2022
Yes, I have tried various usb sticks, all with the same results, also had an accident with one of the sticks and over-wrote the panel file as it had panel details from a previous repair!!, fortunately, I loaded compatible files, and is up and running again :)

üzgünüm bu cihaza ait yazılım arşivimizde yok.
hosbulduk hosbulduk yokoono yokoono üstadlarım sizde var mı.?

In the meantime, we have two more masters. We have informed them. If the software is available, they will share it themselves.
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