United UN3232LE (MB140)

slowfood Çevrimdışı


23 May 2022
Adet olarak çok fazla tv yok USB ile uğraşmaktansa tek tek tv lerin son durum standt by seçili şekilde otel moduna alıp denese

There are not too many TVs in quantity. Instead of dealing with USB, one by one, let's try to put the last status of the TVs in hotel mode with standby selected.

Bende öyle söyledim ama sanıyorum ayarların kaydedilmesinde de sıkıntı var. Çünkü birebir aynı cihazda da sorun yaşıyor.

That's what I said, but I think there is a problem in saving the settings. Because the same device has the same problem.
S Çevrimdışı


Yeni Üye
13 Mar 2023
Yes possible, retune and lock one by one, and forget about channel sorting. Or let the local importer sort the problem out.
S Çevrimdışı


Yeni Üye
13 Mar 2023
I thought that TEKNOwest recommended to do it that way, unless I miss-understood.
When in hotel mode, with menus enabled, the option for power up mode is removed.
The other option in the hotel mode "Last status" on/off , does not make any difference.
One more question if I can.
In the service menu, there is an option to save channels to USB, of which it does.
No option to load that (xlm) file though, not from the service menu nor the user interface
slowfood Çevrimdışı


23 May 2022
I thought that TEKNOwest recommended to do it that way, unless I miss-understood.
When in hotel mode, with menus enabled, the option for power up mode is removed.
The other option in the hotel mode "Last status" on/off , does not make any difference.
One more question if I can.
In the service menu, there is an option to save channels to USB, of which it does.
No option to load that (xlm) file though, not from the service menu nor the user interface
Yes, you got it right. I'm reviewing different scenarios myself. Isn't it possible to disable the hotel mode on the devices and load the channel list from the user menu, then turn the device off, on, enable the hotel mode, set Power mode=Off or Standby and disable the menu? That is, if you load only the channel list from the USB memory, not all the settings.

This topic is about uploading channel list from usb;


Menu>Settings>Sattelite Settings>Sattelite Channel Table>File Upload from USB
Menu>Settings>Sattelite Settings>Sattelite Channel Table>File Download to USB

P.S. Channel List File format is *.sdx

In addition, if you have the opportunity to share images about the menus you are dealing with, we will proceed in a little more detail.

I checked the available mb140 firmwares. Very strangely, there is no software suitable for your wngl panel code.
Son düzenleme:
teraspy Çevrimdışı


TFC Team
26 Kas 2018
Installing each device separately will eliminate the problem. Isn't it? We are waiting the photos.

Sayın teraspy teraspy emmi. Hotel moddan alınan dosya sonrasında diğer cihazlara ayarı bu şekilde atma işi sıkıntı yaratabilir değil mi?
Evet yaratır ,tv aynı model ve kart olsa da içindeki donanımsal değişiklikler olabilir bu da slave cihazları sıkıntıya sokabilir(kesin olmamakla birlikte)
slowfood Çevrimdışı


23 May 2022
Evet yaratır ,tv aynı model ve kart olsa da içindeki donanımsal değişiklikler olabilir bu da slave cihazları sıkıntıya sokabilir(kesin olmamakla birlikte)
Bende o ihtimali paylaştım. TV' lerin hepsi aynı anda alınsa bile aldıkları firma farklı tarihlerde stoğa çektiyse yine sorun olur. Yalnız çok garip başka birşey, aynı TV' den alınan dosya aynı TV' ye atıldığında da sorun yaratıyor. :hmm
teraspy Çevrimdışı


TFC Team
26 Kas 2018
The clone file produced by the "master TV" causes the problem to every TV cloned.
If I setup a new "master TV " from the beginning, everything works good with that TV,
Hotel mode, menus disabled, volume set, and always goes to standby after a power cycle. All is good.
If I then make a clone from this TV and use it on another (or the same TV) , the problem starts

benim tvde powerup mode normal kullanımda son durum pozisyonunda , otel moduna geçtiğinde normal kullanım devre dışı kalıyor ve tv beklemede kalıyor,sendeki ayarlar normal,farklı bir şey var o tvlerde,neler yapıldığını tam olarak yazmalısın,dump diyorsun,ne dump yapıldı ,mesela yazılımla oynandı mı?

In my TV, the powerup mode is in the last status position in normal use, but when I switch to hotel mode, normal use is disabled and the TV stays in standby mode. Your settings seem normal, but there might be something different with those TVs. You should write down exactly what was done, including what dump was made and if any changes were made to the software.
teraspy Çevrimdışı


TFC Team
26 Kas 2018
Bende o ihtimali paylaştım. TV' lerin hepsi aynı anda alınsa bile aldıkları firma farklı tarihlerde stoğa çektiyse yine sorun olur. Yalnız çok garip başka birşey, aynı TV' den alınan dosya aynı TV' ye atıldığında da sorun yaratıyor. :hmm
Farklı bir olay var :) 12 tvnin hepsi de sıkıntılı olmamalı :ok
teraspy Çevrimdışı


TFC Team
26 Kas 2018
I thought that TEKNOwest recommended to do it that way, unless I miss-understood.
When in hotel mode, with menus enabled, the option for power up mode is removed.
The other option in the hotel mode "Last status" on/off , does not make any difference.
One more question if I can.
In the service menu, there is an option to save channels to USB, of which it does.
No option to load that (xlm) file though, not from the service menu nor the user interface
S Çevrimdışı


Yeni Üye
13 Mar 2023
I would like to thank slowfood slowfood Sota Sota teraspy teraspy yokoono yokoono and TEKNOwest TEKNOwest for the assistance.
I was informed today by the local importer, and told that they are aware of this problem and they have no solution, and each should be done a one by one basis !!
Anyway, as I don't see a readily available solution sometime soon, I will arrange to program them one by one ( thank God that they are only 12 and not 50 :) )
It is a software problem that should be addressed by the Vestel people at some point of time.
In the meanwhile, I have accidentally overwritten the original panel type file on the test TV, and I have upload a compatible file, and is now operational.
How can I download from a other (untouched) set those files, to apply to the altered one? With some main boards (example MB95), the contents are downloaded from the service mode usb option to a directory \read on the USB stick, but not the MB140 though. Is it possible?
slowfood Çevrimdışı


23 May 2022
I would like to thank slowfood slowfood Sota Sota teraspy teraspy yokoono yokoono and TEKNOwest TEKNOwest for the assistance.
I was informed today by the local importer, and told that they are aware of this problem and they have no solution, and each should be done a one by one basis !!
Anyway, as I don't see a readily available solution sometime soon, I will arrange to program them one by one ( thank God that they are only 12 and not 50 :) )
It is a software problem that should be addressed by the Vestel people at some point of time.
In the meanwhile, I have accidentally overwritten the original panel type file on the test TV, and I have upload a compatible file, and is now operational.
How can I download from a other (untouched) set those files, to apply to the altered one? With some main boards (example MB95), the contents are downloaded from the service mode usb option to a directory \read on the USB stick, but not the MB140 though. Is it possible?
Thank you for your good wishes. I am sharing the forum topic about getting a panel file from another solid TV below. Please let me know if you get stuck.

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