here we go again for the newer mb2xx boards

T Çevrimdışı


Yeni Üye
20 Nis 2021
merhabalar Toshiba marka 65 inch mb230 anakartli TV'de nasil linux shell alabilirim? vga dan uart baglandim ama novatek testtool diye birseyin icine dusuyor. '?' yazip entera basinca bazi komutlar var. shell'e girmek icin '#' komutu diyor yaziyorum not allowed diyor. Kapatip acarken ctrl+C falan birkac tus basili tuttum ama fayda etmedi. Toolbox un kullandigi telnet portu acik degil. asagida '?' komutunun ciktisini verdim. cok tesekkur ederim

NOVATEK APPMGR v1.3.138 [20200924] Branch name:VestelMB230
LIBNAM v1.2.10 [20190807]

? display this help
! display mgr status
# enter shell
$ show apps info
$app show app info("app" is app name)
@ display current debug process and show menu to choose
@app set the app as the debut process
<app>data force to pass data to the app
debugd debug mechanism
ir enable/disable IR input. Use (ir 0xXXXX) to send DFB symbol
sim (file) enable/disable IR simulate
on/off control app process
net check internet connection
log{X} control appmgr console log( X=0~4, no X for default level)
dfbkey switch the key from DFB flow
iniXXX print ini setting. XXX for specific section tag(iniapps). No XXX for all setting content
other data to the debug process
S Çevrimdışı

Samunders Core

Yeni Üye
6 Haz 2021
merhabalar Toshiba marka 65 inch mb230 anakartli TV'de nasil linux shell alabilirim? vga dan uart baglandim ama novatek testtool diye birseyin icine dusuyor. '?' yazip entera basinca bazi komutlar var. shell'e girmek icin '#' komutu diyor yaziyorum not allowed diyor. Kapatip acarken ctrl+C falan birkac tus basili tuttum ama fayda etmedi. Toolbox un kullandigi telnet portu acik degil. asagida '?' komutunun ciktisini verdim. cok tesekkur ederim

NOVATEK APPMGR v1.3.138 [20200924] Branch name:VestelMB230
LIBNAM v1.2.10 [20190807]

? display this help
! display mgr status
# enter shell
$ show apps info
$app show app info("app" is app name)
@ display current debug process and show menu to choose
@app set the app as the debut process
<app>data force to pass data to the app
debugd debug mechanism
ir enable/disable IR input. Use (ir 0xXXXX) to send DFB symbol
sim (file) enable/disable IR simulate
on/off control app process
net check internet connection
log{X} control appmgr console log( X=0~4, no X for default level)
dfbkey switch the key from DFB flow
iniXXX print ini setting. XXX for specific section tag(iniapps). No XXX for all setting content
other data to the debug process
use @<ENTER>#<ENTER> (4 keystrokes)
S Çevrimdışı

Samunders Core

Yeni Üye
6 Haz 2021

THIS IS WHAT WE NEED - but for vestels aurora.elf
I have Gogen TVF32R571STWEB, firmware MB211_PICASSO_QUI_Shredder_V333170_SVN_324748 and trying samyGOso 1.2.5 compiled with gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-4.9-2014.08_linux.tar.xz:
/mtd_rwarea/ # echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope
/mtd_rwarea/ # ./samyGOso -p $(pidof idtv) -l $(pwd)/ -d
samyGOso v1.2.5 (c) bugficks 2013-2014, sectroyer 2014-2015
Injecting '/mtd_rwarea/' resident: '0'
mprotect: 0x48363791
dlopen: 0x48600b69
dlclose: 0x48600bc5
dlsymaddr: 0x48600c01
pc=48343480 lr=0 sp=be0fd3c8 fp=0
r0=be0fd3d0 r1=0
r2=2 r3=0
stack: 0xbe0dd000-0xbe0fe000 length = 135168
executing injection code at 0xbe0fd2e4
library injection completed! is more or less the same as /blob/master/src/oscamLib_T-NT.c (chosen due to highest # of functions already present in our firmware), I just wanted to see whether hooking works. As you've guessed, aurora.elf crashes and dumps memory map to console asking for USB to save core dump. Any help is appreciated.
hosbulduk Çevrimdışı


TFC Team
9 Kas 2018
i have a new tv with a mb211s board in it - so i did some reverse engineering this weekend and found some interesting stuff...
as it seems all mb2xx boards have a build in debug console... once you are in the debug console its pretty easy to start /bin/sh

uart is on the vga port pin 9 and 12

Scart giriş için hangi cihazı kullandın ,CP2102 mi :alala
Yaklasik bir sene önce foruma T TommyData ile birlikte davet ettigim kisiden bu hafta geri dönüs aldim.Kendisi kapali netzwerk sistemi icinde calisan portaltv uygulamasi yapip bunu calistiran kisidir ayni zamanda ,bu konuyla ilgili daha önce forumda bilgi paylasmistim diye hatirliyorum.Ayrica vestel profil kod cözümlemesi ile ilgili calismalari var.

Bugün kendisi anakarta baglanma konusunda T TommyData nin mesajina karsilik forumda mesaj paylasmak istemis ama resim yükleyemedigi icin benden paylasmami rica etti.....

Yogun bir kisi olmasina ragmen gayet ilgili bir arkadas, konuyla ilgili sorusu düsüncesi olan veya diger calismalari ile ilgilenen arkadaslar olursa direk kendisini etiketleyip iletisime gecebilir,niki P pogostick zamani oldugunda yanitlayacaktir tahminen diye düsünüyorum.

Herkese iyi forumlar dilerim..

Metnin türkce otomatik cevirisini en altta paylasiyorum,

EXACTLY AS I THOUGHT... (See my answer on the forum)

If you look at page 4 of the MB211 service manual, you will see the scart port connector, and even more interestingly... these are:



TX_STBY goes to pin 12 and RX_STBY goes to pin 10

If you then scroll to page 7 you will see:


You can see that UART1 on the main NT72562MBG SOC Processor is connected to these RX/TX pins on the scart port. As you can see though, the VGA SCL/SDA line is connected to the same cables.

If we go back to page 4, we also see:



VGA_SCL is connected to pin 15 and VGA_SDA is connected to 12.

I ignored these at first as the SDA/SCL is usually an I2C component bus, but the penny dropped as soon as I saw the forum post mention pins 15 and 12, you can see if you look at the schematic above as well. there is an arrow pointing to some "TPxxxx" parts.

These are usually "Test Points" on the main circuit board, to these points you can solder some pins or wires and create a permanent serial/uart port.

This MB211 circuit diagram and service guide are in my GDrive folder that I gave you access too, in the MB211 sub-folder.

If you look at all the other circuit diagrams MB130, MB110 all have UART going from main Processor to Scart (I noticed in all of them), there are books and diagrams for MB110 on my google drive, but NOT for my third set, MB130T.

TAM DÜŞÜNDÜĞÜM GİBİ... (Forumda size verdiğim yanıta bakın)

MB211 servis kılavuzunun 4. sayfasına bakarsanız, scart bağlantı noktası konektörünü göreceksiniz ve daha da ilginci... bunlar:


TX_STBY pin 12'ye ve RX_STBY pin 10'a gidiyor

Daha sonra sayfa 7'ye geçerseniz şunu göreceksiniz:


Ana NT72562MBG SOC İşlemci üzerindeki UART1'in scart bağlantı noktasındaki bu RX/TX pinlerine bağlı olduğunu görebilirsiniz. Yine de görebileceğiniz gibi, VGA SCL/SDA hattı aynı kablolara bağlı.

4. sayfaya geri dönersek, şunu da görürüz:


VGA_SCL, pim 15'e bağlı ve VGA_SDA 12'ye bağlı.
SDA/SCL genellikle bir I2C bileşen veri yolu olduğu için ilk başta bunları görmezden geldim, ancak forum gönderisinde 15 ve 12 numaralı pinlerden bahsettiğini görür görmez kuruş düştü, yukarıdaki şemaya da bakarsanız görebilirsiniz. bazı "TPxxxx" parçalarını gösteren bir ok var.
Bunlar genellikle ana devre kartındaki "Test Noktaları"dır, bu noktalara bazı pimleri veya kabloları lehimleyebilir ve kalıcı bir seri/uart bağlantı noktası oluşturabilirsiniz.
Bu MB211 devre şeması ve servis kılavuzu, MB211 alt klasöründe de size erişim verdiğim GDrive klasörümdedir.
Diğer tüm devre şemalarına bakarsanız, MB130, MB110 hepsinde ana İşlemciden Skart'a geçen UART var (hepsinde fark ettim), google sürücümde MB110 için kitaplar ve diyagramlar var, ama üçüncü setim olan MB130T için DEĞİL.
P Çevrimdışı


Yeni Üye
7 Şub 2020
Yaklasik bir sene önce foruma T TommyData ile birlikte davet ettigim kisiden bu hafta geri dönüs aldim.Kendisi kapali netzwerk sistemi icinde calisan portaltv uygulamasi yapip bunu calistiran kisidir ayni zamanda ,bu konuyla ilgili daha önce forumda bilgi paylasmistim diye hatirliyorum.Ayrica vestel profil kod cözümlemesi ile ilgili calismalari var.

Bugün kendisi anakarta baglanma konusunda T TommyData nin mesajina karsilik forumda mesaj paylasmak istemis ama resim yükleyemedigi icin benden paylasmami rica etti.....

Yogun bir kisi olmasina ragmen gayet ilgili bir arkadas, konuyla ilgili sorusu düsüncesi olan veya diger calismalari ile ilgilenen arkadaslar olursa direk kendisini etiketleyip iletisime gecebilir,niki P pogostick zamani oldugunda yanitlayacaktir tahminen diye düsünüyorum.

Herkese iyi forumlar dilerim..

Metnin türkce otomatik cevirisini en altta paylasiyorum,

EXACTLY AS I THOUGHT... (See my answer on the forum)

If you look at page 4 of the MB211 service manual, you will see the scart port connector, and even more interestingly... these are:



TX_STBY goes to pin 12 and RX_STBY goes to pin 10

If you then scroll to page 7 you will see:


You can see that UART1 on the main NT72562MBG SOC Processor is connected to these RX/TX pins on the scart port. As you can see though, the VGA SCL/SDA line is connected to the same cables.

If we go back to page 4, we also see:



VGA_SCL is connected to pin 15 and VGA_SDA is connected to 12.

I ignored these at first as the SDA/SCL is usually an I2C component bus, but the penny dropped as soon as I saw the forum post mention pins 15 and 12, you can see if you look at the schematic above as well. there is an arrow pointing to some "TPxxxx" parts.

These are usually "Test Points" on the main circuit board, to these points you can solder some pins or wires and create a permanent serial/uart port.

This MB211 circuit diagram and service guide are in my GDrive folder that I gave you access too, in the MB211 sub-folder.

If you look at all the other circuit diagrams MB130, MB110 all have UART going from main Processor to Scart (I noticed in all of them), there are books and diagrams for MB110 on my google drive, but NOT for my third set, MB130T.

TAM DÜŞÜNDÜĞÜM GİBİ... (Forumda size verdiğim yanıta bakın)

MB211 servis kılavuzunun 4. sayfasına bakarsanız, scart bağlantı noktası konektörünü göreceksiniz ve daha da ilginci... bunlar:


TX_STBY pin 12'ye ve RX_STBY pin 10'a gidiyor

Daha sonra sayfa 7'ye geçerseniz şunu göreceksiniz:


Ana NT72562MBG SOC İşlemci üzerindeki UART1'in scart bağlantı noktasındaki bu RX/TX pinlerine bağlı olduğunu görebilirsiniz. Yine de görebileceğiniz gibi, VGA SCL/SDA hattı aynı kablolara bağlı.

4. sayfaya geri dönersek, şunu da görürüz:


VGA_SCL, pim 15'e bağlı ve VGA_SDA 12'ye bağlı.
SDA/SCL genellikle bir I2C bileşen veri yolu olduğu için ilk başta bunları görmezden geldim, ancak forum gönderisinde 15 ve 12 numaralı pinlerden bahsettiğini görür görmez kuruş düştü, yukarıdaki şemaya da bakarsanız görebilirsiniz. bazı "TPxxxx" parçalarını gösteren bir ok var.
Bunlar genellikle ana devre kartındaki "Test Noktaları"dır, bu noktalara bazı pimleri veya kabloları lehimleyebilir ve kalıcı bir seri/uart bağlantı noktası oluşturabilirsiniz.
Bu MB211 devre şeması ve servis kılavuzu, MB211 alt klasöründe de size erişim verdiğim GDrive klasörümdedir.
Diğer tüm devre şemalarına bakarsanız, MB130, MB110 hepsinde ana İşlemciden Skart'a geçen UART var (hepsinde fark ettim), google sürücümde MB110 için kitaplar ve diyagramlar var, ama üçüncü setim olan MB130T için DEĞİL.

Just to introduce myself, I'm P pogostick the person mentioned above, T TommyData also knows me but from "BadCaps" forum as "Chefau" :-)

I too have been working on/off (as time permits) hacking vestel TV's , Thanks T TommyData for updated dictionary.ini, I now know MUCH MORE settings about the 3 models I have MB110, MB130 & MB211

I'm going to see if I can come up with a small circuit that can be fitted to these TV's so connecting to the console is simple as plugging in a USB cable to PC, I already have an idea (and the parts) to test it, I will share in due course, it should be an easy job since I now know where the solder points are on the TV circuit board.
F Çevrimdışı


Süper Üye
13 Eki 2018
Yaklasik bir sene önce foruma T TommyData ile birlikte davet ettigim kisiden bu hafta geri dönüs aldim.Kendisi kapali netzwerk sistemi icinde calisan portaltv uygulamasi yapip bunu calistiran kisidir ayni zamanda ,bu konuyla ilgili daha önce forumda bilgi paylasmistim diye hatirliyorum.Ayrica vestel profil kod cözümlemesi ile ilgili calismalari var.

Bugün kendisi anakarta baglanma konusunda T TommyData nin mesajina karsilik forumda mesaj paylasmak istemis ama resim yükleyemedigi icin benden paylasmami rica etti.....

Yogun bir kisi olmasina ragmen gayet ilgili bir arkadas, konuyla ilgili sorusu düsüncesi olan veya diger calismalari ile ilgilenen arkadaslar olursa direk kendisini etiketleyip iletisime gecebilir,niki P pogostick zamani oldugunda yanitlayacaktir tahminen diye düsünüyorum.

Herkese iyi forumlar dilerim..

Metnin türkce otomatik cevirisini en altta paylasiyorum,

EXACTLY AS I THOUGHT... (See my answer on the forum)

If you look at page 4 of the MB211 service manual, you will see the scart port connector, and even more interestingly... these are:



TX_STBY goes to pin 12 and RX_STBY goes to pin 10

If you then scroll to page 7 you will see:


You can see that UART1 on the main NT72562MBG SOC Processor is connected to these RX/TX pins on the scart port. As you can see though, the VGA SCL/SDA line is connected to the same cables.

If we go back to page 4, we also see:



VGA_SCL is connected to pin 15 and VGA_SDA is connected to 12.

I ignored these at first as the SDA/SCL is usually an I2C component bus, but the penny dropped as soon as I saw the forum post mention pins 15 and 12, you can see if you look at the schematic above as well. there is an arrow pointing to some "TPxxxx" parts.

These are usually "Test Points" on the main circuit board, to these points you can solder some pins or wires and create a permanent serial/uart port.

This MB211 circuit diagram and service guide are in my GDrive folder that I gave you access too, in the MB211 sub-folder.

If you look at all the other circuit diagrams MB130, MB110 all have UART going from main Processor to Scart (I noticed in all of them), there are books and diagrams for MB110 on my google drive, but NOT for my third set, MB130T.

TAM DÜŞÜNDÜĞÜM GİBİ... (Forumda size verdiğim yanıta bakın)

MB211 servis kılavuzunun 4. sayfasına bakarsanız, scart bağlantı noktası konektörünü göreceksiniz ve daha da ilginci... bunlar:


TX_STBY pin 12'ye ve RX_STBY pin 10'a gidiyor

Daha sonra sayfa 7'ye geçerseniz şunu göreceksiniz:


Ana NT72562MBG SOC İşlemci üzerindeki UART1'in scart bağlantı noktasındaki bu RX/TX pinlerine bağlı olduğunu görebilirsiniz. Yine de görebileceğiniz gibi, VGA SCL/SDA hattı aynı kablolara bağlı.

4. sayfaya geri dönersek, şunu da görürüz:


VGA_SCL, pim 15'e bağlı ve VGA_SDA 12'ye bağlı.
SDA/SCL genellikle bir I2C bileşen veri yolu olduğu için ilk başta bunları görmezden geldim, ancak forum gönderisinde 15 ve 12 numaralı pinlerden bahsettiğini görür görmez kuruş düştü, yukarıdaki şemaya da bakarsanız görebilirsiniz. bazı "TPxxxx" parçalarını gösteren bir ok var.
Bunlar genellikle ana devre kartındaki "Test Noktaları"dır, bu noktalara bazı pimleri veya kabloları lehimleyebilir ve kalıcı bir seri/uart bağlantı noktası oluşturabilirsiniz.
Bu MB211 devre şeması ve servis kılavuzu, MB211 alt klasöründe de size erişim verdiğim GDrive klasörümdedir.
Diğer tüm devre şemalarına bakarsanız, MB130, MB110 hepsinde ana İşlemciden Skart'a geçen UART var (hepsinde fark ettim), google sürücümde MB110 için kitaplar ve diyagramlar var, ama üçüncü setim olan MB130T için DEĞİL.
Abi şair burada neyi vurguladı ?
Yani bu işlemle ne yapabiliriz ?
hosbulduk Çevrimdışı


TFC Team
9 Kas 2018
Abi şair burada neyi vurguladı ?
Yani bu işlemle ne yapabiliriz ?
Sadece kendimi kim olduğumla tanıştırmak için
P pogostick yukarıda adı geçen kişi,
T TommyData ayrıca beni "BadCaps" forumundan "Chefau" olarak tanıyor :-)

Ayrıca Vestel TV'leri hacklemeyi (zaman izin verirse) açıp kapattım, teşekkürler
Güncellenen Dictionary.ini için T TommyData, artık MB110, MB130 ve MB211'e sahip olduğum 3 model hakkında ÇOK DAHA FAZLA ayar biliyorum

Bakalım bu televizyonlara bağlanan küçük bir devre tasarlayabilir miyim, böylece PC'ye bir USB kablosu takarak konsola bağlantı kolaylaşır. Test için zaten bir fikrim (ve parçalarım) var, zamanı gelince paylaşacağım, artık TV kartındaki lehim noktalarının nerede olduğunu bildiğim için bu kolay bir iş olmalı.

tv yi pc ye baglayacak bir sistem hazirlayip nin artik karistirmadik yeri kalmayacak..
hosbulduk Çevrimdışı


TFC Team
9 Kas 2018
Just to introduce myself, I'm P pogostick the person mentioned above, T TommyData also knows me but from "BadCaps" forum as "Chefau" :-)

I too have been working on/off (as time permits) hacking vestel TV's , Thanks T TommyData for updated dictionary.ini, I now know MUCH MORE settings about the 3 models I have MB110, MB130 & MB211

I'm going to see if I can come up with a small circuit that can be fitted to these TV's so connecting to the console is simple as plugging in a USB cable to PC, I already have an idea (and the parts) to test it, I will share in due course, it should be an easy job since I now know where the solder points are on the TV circuit board.
P pogostick ,welcome to tavsiyeforum. teraspy teraspy and I thank you for your help so far.Teraspy will give you access to some documents on google drive, you can review them when you have time.
I would also appreciate if you share information about your portaltv in the forum.
P Çevrimdışı


Yeni Üye
7 Şub 2020
I would also appreciate if you share information about your portaltv in the forum.
I most certainly will in due course.

For those who want to know what hosbulduk hosbulduk is mentioning with "portaltv" , I have figured out how to override the "Smart TV portal" (Without hacking the TV set) and replace it with one of my own, that let's me have my own applications on as I see fit.

It is however A VERY LONG description, and potentially not easy for technology novices, so I have to think about the best way to make the knowledge available.
P Çevrimdışı


Yeni Üye
7 Şub 2020
I have had an examination of the circuit diagram for the MB130T, that has exactly the same pins on the VGA connector exposed, as the ones identified by teraspy teraspy and T TommyData

From the service manual Page 64, we see these connections on the main system CPU:


If we scroll back to page 60 and the diagram for the VGA connector, we find those two connections come to the exact same pins as on the MB211 diagram previously posted.


You will also notice the "Green" circle on my picture... this highlights the pull up circuit for those lines, and pulls the voltage on them up to 5 volts. What this means is that the voltage on those wires will never be greater than 5 volts, so that means that we can use one of these gadgets to connect our TV's to our computers:


These gadgets are "Mini USB serial ports".

If you plug a USB cable into them, then plug the cable into your PC, your PC will see a normal serial port that can be used with terraterm, putty and other serial port programs.

If we are to make this circuit:


And connect the RX pin on the gadget to TP166 (Orange on my diagram) to the TV circuit board, then connect the TX pin on the gadget to the TP172 pin on the TV circuit board, then disconnect or cut off all of the other pins and insulate the gadget so it can cause no electrical sparks, we can then place the gadget inside our TV with ONLY the usb connector showing, then when we want to get a console on our TV we simply just have to plug in the USB cable and start our terminal software to talk to the TV operating system.

This circuit will work on ALL Vestel TV circuit boards, all we have to do is identify which TP connectors on the circuit board are connected to pins 15 & 12 on the VGA connector, and check that they are connected to the UART on the system CPU.

Of course we would still need to find out root passwords and accounts and such like, but we are all a clever bunch here, I'm sure we can work that out.

OH and YAY!!! it appears I can now upload pictures...

For those who want to buy the USB gadget's mentioned above, Amazon shop has plenty of them:
Amazon product ASIN B07R17BMTL
My amazon link above keeps getting changed to a "media" tag with just the amazon logo in, rather than a link to amazon, maybe the admin knows why, so I can't link, but if you look at amazon you are searching for this:

Son düzenleme:
hosbulduk Çevrimdışı


TFC Team
9 Kas 2018
I have had an examination of the circuit diagram for the MB130T, that has exactly the same pins on the VGA connector exposed, as the ones identified by teraspy teraspy and T TommyData

From the service manual Page 64, we see these connections on the main system CPU:


If we scroll back to page 60 and the diagram for the VGA connector, we find those two connections come to the exact same pins as on the MB211 diagram previously posted.


You will also notice the "Green" circle on my picture... this highlights the pull up circuit for those lines, and pulls the voltage on them up to 5 volts. What this means is that the voltage on those wires will never be greater than 5 volts, so that means that we can use one of these gadgets to connect our TV's to our computers:


These gadgets are "Mini USB serial ports".

If you plug a USB cable into them, then plug the cable into your PC, your PC will see a normal serial port that can be used with terraterm, putty and other serial port programs.

If we are to make this circuit:


And connect the RX pin on the gadget to TP166 (Orange on my diagram) to the TV circuit board, then connect the TX pin on the gadget to the TP172 pin on the TV circuit board, then disconnect or cut off all of the other pins and insulate the gadget so it can cause no electrical sparks, we can then place the gadget inside our TV with ONLY the usb connector showing, then when we want to get a console on our TV we simply just have to plug in the USB cable and start our terminal software to talk to the TV operating system.

This circuit will work on ALL Vestel TV circuit boards, all we have to do is identify which TP connectors on the circuit board are connected to pins 15 & 12 on the VGA connector, and check that they are connected to the UART on the system CPU.

Of course we would still need to find out root passwords and accounts and such like, but we are all a clever bunch here, I'm sure we can work that out.

OH and YAY!!! it appears I can now upload pictures...

For those who want to buy the USB gadget's mentioned above, Amazon shop has plenty of them:
Amazon product ASIN B07R17BMTL
My amazon link above keeps getting changed to a "media" tag with just the amazon logo in, rather than a link to amazon, maybe the admin knows why, so I can't link, but if you look at amazon you are searching for this:

I didn't think you'd spend so much time sharing your knowledge on the forum, after all, you are a very busy person. The information you share will definitely add a lot to the forum, thank you very much ..

I haven't been active on the forum in a long time and just follow for reading and I haven't posted in the last 5 months, I wrote for the first time today to share your message.

Teraspy is usually active in the forum after 22:00 UTC. I think he'll comment on your forum posts when he's active. teraspy teraspy is a forum expert on the information you share.

Although I do not write in the forum, I will follow your articles with interest, if I have a question or an idea, I will reach you somehow. :) You already know how to contact me. thanks again...
P Çevrimdışı


Yeni Üye
7 Şub 2020
I didn't think you'd spend so much time sharing your knowledge on the forum, after all, you are a very busy person. The information you share will definitely add a lot to the forum, thank you very much ..

I haven't been active on the forum in a long time and just follow for reading and I haven't posted in the last 5 months, I wrote for the first time today to share your message.

Teraspy is usually active in the forum after 22:00 UTC. I think he'll comment on your forum posts when he's active. teraspy teraspy is a forum expert on the information you share.

Although I do not write in the forum, I will follow your articles with interest, if I have a question or an idea, I will reach you somehow. :) You already know how to contact me. thanks again...

As I mentioned in the Email to you and teraspy, at this moment in time I'm having a few weeks holiday, that's why I've popped up and am doing this stuff again, beginning of October I'll be back to work (I'm a professional software developer for a living) and I'll once again likely have little to no time for the projects I want to do (Like this) and only have time to work on the projects I'm paid to work on :-)

So while I have the bandwidth, I'll share what I can, allowing others to (hopefully) make bigger leaps forward.

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