Hello !Hi Hanto welcome to dedicated Vestel forum, i am isenbuga, from avforums, i hope you are OK with the latest software except Dolby Vision Bright unchangable settings. I think manufacturer thought that algorithm improves the picture quality like sharpness of the object or 3D perception of the scene. I can't blame them but it is very easy to be implemented to the software an option, in the end humanbeing is going to use this tv, right ??
How are you my friend ?
I think same of you and YES lastest software you send me is better so thank you for your help.
I hope Vestel or Toshiba they solve Tru Flow on DOLBY VISION BRIGHT and we will have one of greatest TV
Thank youi was send an e-mail to vestel about this bug. i am waiting answer now. i hope so, it will be solve.
ps: but i have not much hope.

Do you have same TV ?