Sizce hangi versiyon daha iyi ?

  • V0.51.5.0

    Oy: 37 28.0%
  • V0.43.6.0

    Oy: 5 3.8%
  • fabrika çıkış hali

    Oy: 37 28.0%
  • V0.51.19.0

    Oy: 17 12.9%
  • V0.51.22.0

    Oy: 23 17.4%
  • V0.51.38.0

    Oy: 13 9.8%

  • Kullanılan toplam oy
hosbulduk Çevrimdışı


TFC Team
9 Kas 2018
tv de telnet açamıyorum

mb110 dan sonra telnet baglanma sekli paylasilanlara göre degismis toolbox kullanilarak yapilamiyor,bu toolbox u programlayan kisinin önerdigi mb120 de basarili olarak uygulanmis telnet baglantisi kurma islemi, denemek istersen

1. Create a text file "inetd.conf" on your PC

2. Insert the following entry into this file with a Linux-compatible editor (e.g. Notepad ++):
21 stream tcp nowait root busybox ftpd -w /
and save in Linux format

3. Copy inetd.conf to USB stick and from there to the TV

4. Establish Telnet to the TV

5. Check with "ls / mnt" on the TV where the USB stick was mounted
-> for me it is at / mnt / hd0A (if you change the path at 6th)

6. Copy the file to the TV with "cp /mnt/hd0a/inetd.conf /etc/inetd.conf"

7. Start the service with "inetd"

and now you can connect to your TV with filezilla on port 21 :)

However, this is completely without a login and so on, of course, not a secure method, but I think it's ok to play around now.

The whole thing is of course not permanent, i.e. when you turn off the TV everything is back to zero.
teraspy Çevrimdışı


TFC Team
26 Kas 2018
5. Check with "ls / mnt" on the TV where the USB stick was mounted
-> for me it is at / mnt / hd0A (if you change the path at 6th)
Bunu belirtmiş ,çünkü gün içinde tv kapatılmadığında usb her çıkartılıp-takıldığında ,oradaki, 0 (sıfır) değişir ,1,2,3 gibi gider.Normal kullanıcı bunu fark etmez ,o sadece "usb cihaz çıkarıldı" gibi uyarıyı görür ,ama benim gibi "normal olmayan kullanıcılar" buna dikkat eder :)
ramchomania Çevrimdışı


Süper Üye
8 Mar 2020
mb110 dan sonra telnet baglanma sekli paylasilanlara göre degismis toolbox kullanilarak yapilamiyor,bu toolbox u programlayan kisinin önerdigi mb120 de basarili olarak uygulanmis telnet baglantisi kurma islemi, denemek istersen

1. Create a text file "inetd.conf" on your PC

2. Insert the following entry into this file with a Linux-compatible editor (e.g. Notepad ++):
21 stream tcp nowait root busybox ftpd -w /
and save in Linux format

3. Copy inetd.conf to USB stick and from there to the TV

4. Establish Telnet to the TV

5. Check with "ls / mnt" on the TV where the USB stick was mounted
-> for me it is at / mnt / hd0A (if you change the path at 6th)

6. Copy the file to the TV with "cp /mnt/hd0a/inetd.conf /etc/inetd.conf"

7. Start the service with "inetd"

and now you can connect to your TV with filezilla on port 21 :)

However, this is completely without a login and so on, of course, not a secure method, but I think it's ok to play around now.

The whole thing is of course not permanent, i.e. when you turn off the TV everything is back to zero.

Abi yarın denerim ben bunu gerçi sabah oldu öğlen denerim :sirit
ramchomania Çevrimdışı


Süper Üye
8 Mar 2020
hosbulduk hosbulduk

abi maalesef çalışmadı birde bu dosyayı direk tv ye kopyalarsak inetd.conf da bilgi varsa silinir eksik anlatmış olmasınlar

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