By_Trol Çevrimdışı


24 Ağu 2019

Full yazılımını atabilir misiniz?
Yazılım Verildi
Tv nin donanımı orijinal ise yazılımı yükleyin.
Sorumluluk tamamen sizdedir.
Yazılımı zipten çıkartın.
Fat32 Formatında biçimlendirilmiş boş bir flash bellek içerisine kopyalayın.
Flash belleği tv nin usb portuna takın.
Uzaktan kumanda üzerindeki OK tuşuna basılı tutun.
Tv nin fişini prize takın.
Öndeki led hızlı hızlı yanıp sönmeye başlayınca OK tuşunu bırakın.
2-3 Dakika içerisinde yazılım yüklenecektir.
M Çevrimdışı


Yeni Üye
8 Eki 2022
Hi, I restored Finlux 32" TV from dead.
It displays picture, good quality and no artifacts but it is inversed (upside down).
The board is mb211s and panel ves315wnds-2d-n22.
I was looking for PQ files but no luck, other PQ files I found and tried only made it only worse, not only picture was still inverted but with lots of errors (wrong gamma etc.).
I just need to rotate it 180deg. Can anyone help?
yokoono Çevrimdışı


TFC Team
20 Mar 2019
Hi, I restored Finlux 32" TV from dead.
It displays picture, good quality and no artifacts but it is inversed (upside down).
The board is mb211s and panel ves315wnds-2d-n22.
I was looking for PQ files but no luck, other PQ files I found and tried only made it only worse, not only picture was still inverted but with lots of errors (wrong gamma etc.).
I just need to rotate it 180deg. Can anyone help?
Panel profile:
M Çevrimdışı


Yeni Üye
8 Eki 2022
Panel profile:

With more exploration I have also found specific setting for MB211S how to flip the screen if all other parameters are fine and screen works just inverted.

1. One needs to download PQ profile, for MB211:
2. Create directory on USB drive, DownloadProfile.mb211
3. Go to USB Operations in service menu
4. TV will copy few files onto USB including one ptf.ptf
5. Edit ptf.ptf in any editor, I use HxD to ensure I only change what I see. Yes you work directly with the file in its original format. There are two parameters here, I set both to 1.

Sarting at offset 4CE
b8HFlip = 1
b8VFlip = 1

Offset 4D9 should read 31 (1) as 30 is 0
Offset 4E5 should read 31 (1) as 30 is 0

Save. Without setting HFlip to 1 I had it no longer inverted but then oriented right to left ;)

6. Then simply create a directory pq on empty USB drive and put modified ptf.ptf there. Only this one file, nothing else was needed.
7. Do normal USB Operations again in service menu
8. I needed to power cycle the TV (unplug), just soft on/off did not make the trick
9. Voilllla!

It also means VES320WNDS_2D PQ is almost compatible with ves315wnds-2d-n22 and works once you swapped the image.

To contibute since there are sometimes mixed inputs about paths/files to update, for MB211s at least it is here. This is from serial console, as you can see where it looks for files. Don't worry about not exist errors, I put empty one so it is not finding anything.

>>> Update Profile...
_CopyFile: /media/sda1/profile/mb211_hwprofile.bin is not exist!
_CopyFile: /media/sda1/profile/mb211_swprofile.bin is not exist!
_CopyFile: /media/sda1/profile/mb211_devprofile.bin is not exist!
>>> Update AQ/PQ/Panel Files...
_CopyFile: /media/sda1/sound/AQ.bin is not exist!
_CopyFile: /media/sda1/sound/DAP_SE_SetParam.txt is not exist!
_CopyFile: /media/sda1/sound/DTS_VX_AQ.bin is not exist!
_CopyFile: /media/sda1/pq/PCF.pcf is not exist!
_CopyFile: /media/sda1/pq/PQF.bin is not exist!
_CopyFile: /media/sda1/pq/ptf.ptf is not exist!
>>> Create Core file...
_CopyFile: /media/sda1/enable_coredump is not exist!
rm: can't remove '/conf/enable_coredump': No such file or directory
>>> Update Network Files...
_CopyFile: /media/sda1/starturl.txt is not exist!
_CopyFile: /media/sda1/default_application.txt is not exist!
_CopyFile: /media/sda1/dragonfly_server.txt is not exist!
_CopyFile: /media/sda1/iplayer_client.inf is not exist!
_CopyFile: /media/sda1/vestel_key.p12 is not exist!
_CopyFile: /media/sda1/thorium_config.xml is not exist!
_CopyFile: /media/sda1/ntpserver.txt is not exist!
_CopyFile: /media/sda1/forced_ntpserver.txt is not exist!
_CopyFile: /media/sda1/demo_commands.txt is not exist!
>>> Update ROFIX Files...
#DEV-SPI# dev_spi_read, 709, addr:0x20000, len:0x10000
_RofixUpdateFromFile: /media/sda1/spi/mb211_hdcp.bin is not exist!
_RofixUpdateFromFile: /media/sda1/spi/mb211_hdcp2.bin is not exist!
_RofixUpdateFromFile: /media/sda1/spi/edid.vga is not exist!
_RofixUpdateFromFile: /media/sda1/spi/edid.edid is not exist!
_RofixUpdateFromFile: /media/sda1/spi/mb211_credentials.bin is not exist!
_RofixUpdateFromFile: /media/sda1/spi/mb211_mac.bin is not exist!
_LoadNonEncryptedRofixFile: /media/sda1/spi/ESNID is not exist!
_LoadNonEncryptedRofixFile: /media/sda1/spi/zgpriv.dat is not exist!
_LoadNonEncryptedRofixFile: /media/sda1/spi/bgroupcert.dat is not exist!
_LoadNonEncryptedRofixFile: /media/sda1/spi/devcerttemplate.dat is not exist!
_LoadNonEncryptedRofixFile: /media/sda1/spi/zgpriv_30_ap.dat is not exist!
_LoadNonEncryptedRofixFile: /media/sda1/spi/bgroupcert_30_ap.dat is not exist!
_LoadNonEncryptedRofixFile: /media/sda1/spi/devcerttemplate_30_ap.dat is not exist!
_LoadNonEncryptedRofixFile: /media/sda1/spi/zgpriv_30_ap.dat is not exist!
_LoadNonEncryptedRofixFile: /media/sda1/spi/bgroupcert_30_ap.dat is not exist!
_LoadNonEncryptedRofixFile: /media/sda1/spi/devcerttemplate_30_ap.dat is not exist!
_LoadNonEncryptedRofixFile: /media/sda1/spi/tamkey.manuf is not exist!
>>> Update Hotel Logo File...
_CopyFile: /media/sda1/HomeUI/hotel_logo.png is not exist!
>>> Update Other Files...
_CopyFile: /conf/power_up.txt is not exist!
#DEV-SPI# dev_spi_write, 747, addr:0xd000, len:0x20
#DEV-SPI# dev_spi_write, 747, addr:0xdf00, len:0x40
#DEV-SPI# dev_spi_write, 747, addr:0xd000, len:0x20
PerformConfBackup: backup done!

M mmx01,
2. Create directory on USB drive, DownloadProfile.mb211
This step should say: DownloadPq.mb211

I made a typo.
By_Trol Çevrimdışı


24 Ağu 2019
V4 yüklüydü. Netflixe giriş yapılmıyordu. Yokoono sağ olsun yardımcı olmaya çalıştı V3 yazılımı gönderdi yine olmadı. V3 eski sürüm olduğundan V4 ve V5 güncelleme yazılımına ihtiyacım var.
Linki inceleyin.
E Çevrimdışı


Yeni Üye
26 Ara 2018
Linki inceleyin.
teşekkür ederim.
A Çevrimdışı


Yeni Üye
13 Ara 2019


Uygulama bölümü çok kötü Chrome güncel değil TV uygulamalar çok ağır



Uygulama bölümü çok kötü Chrome güncel değil TV uygulamalar çok ağır
M Çevrimdışı

mert esen

Yeni Üye
4 Eki 2022
Tv ye taktığınız sağlam ve çıkartılan arızaşı ana kartın resmini buraya ekler misin.
alttaki eski ğstteki yeni taktığım kart.İnceledim bir terslik görmedim.




Yukarıda anakartların resimlerini çekip attım.üstteki yeni alttaki eski kart.birebir aynı fakat ekran gelmiyor.kumanda görmüyor.yazılım atmayı denedim ama kumanda görmediği için atamadım.neden böyle bir sorunla karşılaşıyorum .yardımlarınızı bekliyorum
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