Norton safe dns in dns lerini modeme girer iseniz youtube ve yasakli sitelerin cogunu kullanamaz giremezzsiniz.
Ayrica bazi modemlerde ip adresi kisitlama aranacak kelimeleri de kisitlama ozelligi vardi diye hatirliyorum...
November 15, 2018, Norton ConnectSafe service is being retired or discontinued meaning the service will no longer be available or supported. You may continue to use ConnectSafe until
November 15, 2018 "
iptal edilecek kisa vadede ise yarasada uzun vade de ise yaramaz sanirim bunun yaninda aciklamalarda reklam engelleme ile ilgili birsey göremedim bu dns daha cok virüs vs zararli icerikden korunmak icin olusturulmus 3 tane secenek var dns profilinde ama reklamlar hakkinda bisey yazmiyor
Chose your protection policy
A - Security (malware, phishing sites and scam sites)
B - Security + Pornography
C - Security + Pornography + Other
- Preferred DNS:
- Alternate DNS:
All policies block malware, phishing and scam sites.
Pornography includes sites that contain sexually explicit material.
Other includes sites that feature: mature content, abortion, alcohol, crime, drugs, file sharing, gambling, hate, suicide, tobacco or violence.